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"Haven, I have loved you since the day I first saw you. The way you're eyes twinkled like the sun, and how your smile made my day brighter. Having a nice body was an added bonus. At first, I didn't realize you were the one I'd fall in love with. I just thought you were another pretty white girl that would be easy. I was wrong. And I'm happy that I was wrong. You made me the person I am today. Because of you, I found real friends, and am a better person. I love you Haven Bonnie, and it would be my honor to call you my wife." Lucas said, as his eyes started to water up. Now, it was my turn. 

"Lucas, the moment I met you, all I could think of was, 'Great, another hot jerk came to this school'. But as I go to know you, and understand you, I grew to love you. You helped me realize the truth behind people, and you were the first person I ever told my life story too. Everyday I thank God for helping me find a man as sweet, and kind as you. I don't remember adding annoying, but I've grown used to it by now. I have learned to love you with all your flaws, as you have learned to love me with all mine. I didn't realize that I would love you this much, but I have and that is why I am proud to call you my husband." I said, reading my vows. 

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest said, and me and Lucas kissed, as everyone erupted into cheers. When we pulled back, I looked around at my bridal party. It contained Anthony and Bethany and the best man and maid of honor, with a litle added bonus of their child, who Bethany was pregnant with. They had gotten married before us and were expecting their first child, a baby girl. Then there was Avery and Trent, who were engaged and getting married soon, and Maddie and James who have been together since the welcome home party when Lucas got out of the hospital. They were expecting their second child and were engaged as well. The ring boy was their first child which they name James Jr. How cute? They were now expecting a baby girl which they wanted to name Maddie Jr. Not the very creative couple. Angelo was also in the party with his wife Hannah. 

"Haven, not the time to go in la la land." Lucas said, pulling me along with him to the limbo. 

"Ha ha, you know, I could just go to the priest and tell him this was a mistake."

"Nope, you're stuck with me forever." 

"Damn it!" I got in the limbo and everyone followed. They were all laughing and drinking, as we made our way to take pictures. I looked out the window at the people who had come. Jerry and her girlfriend Klover had come and so had Ryder and Drina. It turned out they weren't related and had been together ever since their mom told everyone. She had gone to jail for trying to rob Kevin. He finally realized she was bad news. 

"Auntie Haven, what does married mean?" James Jr. asked. I smiled at him, his copper hair that reminded me of James and his dark brown eyes that looked like Maddie's. 

"It means that Auntie Haven can never run away from me even if she wants too." Lucas answered for me and put James Jr. on his lap. 

"Oh I still can. After a year." I answered back. 

"You guys are married. Stop teasing each other for this one day, you goons!" Beth said, out of breath at the end. Anthony gave her a glass of water. This always happens ever since she had reached seven months. Doctor said it was because she wasn't used to being this big before. 

"We're not teasing each other. I'm just warning him." So I was teasing him but he didn't need to know that. 

"Ha ha, very funny, Haven Matthews." Lucas said. 

"Haven Bonnie Matthews." We had gone over this. It was the only thing left that I had from my mom so I can keep the last name and add his last name too. 

"My bad. Haven Bonnie Matthews." I smiled. 


*          *          *

"Was that the best wedding ever or what?" Lucas asked, plopping down on the hotel bed. 

"Yeah it was pretty cool because I was there. It would have been better without you." I said, taking my hair off. Lucas sat up and walked over to me. 

"Tonight's the night, babe." I looked at his, acting all confused. 

"Night for what? Our weddings over, remember." I smiled. 

"Ha ha. I'm finally getting what I have been waiting for since I first saw you and I will not let you talk me out of it." I faked a yawn. 

"But I'm tried. It's like five in the morning. Maybe tomorrow." I started to walk to the washroom but he pulled me back and walked to to the bed.

"No. I don't care how tired you are." 

"What are you going to do? Rape me?" I asked, knowing he would back down if I brought that up. I was just kidding around but he took a step back.

"Haven, you know I would never-" I cut him off with a kiss. When I pulled back, his eyes were shut. 

"I'm just kidding, baby." He smiled and kissed me. Tonight was the first day of the rest of my life. From now on, I will be known as Haven Bonnie Matthews. All because Lucas brought out everyone's Dirty Little Secret.

The End.

A/N: It's done! My story is over. Well I hope you all like it because I loved writing it. If you want to, check out my new story Fair Trade. It's totally different but I think it's pretty good. Hope you all liked Dirty Little Secret! I wanted to do some thank you's. First to my best friend Ti-ana, who made me upload even when I was too lazy to and for giving me ideas. She's my personal Bethany. Next toe Zomora for telling me about this website. I would never have written this story without her. Next to Marie-Rose for always helping me with grammar errors. And to Susan who told me what my story was missing. And of course to all my beautiful readers for reading this far. Even if you didn't like it, I still thank you. So thanks again and I love you all! <3

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