Chapter 5 - Adventure 1; Day 1

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I woke up to the sound of someone snoring. It was a cute snore. Gentle and soft, not like an old man's one that sounds like a bozo getting hit by a car over and over and over again. Nope, this one was sweet. I started to giggle. Wait a second, where the fuck was I? I got up and looked at where the snore was coming from. What if I got raped last night. Yup that was it, I got raped, and now I'm not a pure soul and going to have a kid with a raper. Maybe he was a cute raper though. I had to look. When I did look down, I saw Lucas, and everything came back to me. Fucking Jerry. James sure did a lot of that.

My sleeping beauty started to move. I reached down, my face inches away from his. I wanted to kiss him. I don't know why but I did. And I almost did, until his eyes snapped open like gun shots. I jumped up. Fuck.

"What were you doing." A smirk was making its way across his face. Why does he have to go and be so fucking cute for.

"I thought you were a raper and wanted to get back at you by sucking your face. Problem?" Well that woke him up.

"You wanted to make out with me, while I was sleeping?" It sounded like he was mad. Did he just say yesterday that he wanted to kiss me?

"Fuck man! Why the hell did I have to fucking wake up? I could have faked slept. Okay, lets try that again." I laughed as he layed back down pretending to be asleep.

"Hurry, I need to be woken up," He grunted. I bent over, and bit his chest this time. Hey, I got to keep things different or he'll be expecting them next time.

"Okay, no more biting for you. Understand?" I laughed.

"Well, you taste yummy." I argued. He smiled. Damn I love his smile.

"Well how about I make you some breakfast, and we'll see how yummy that will be." I smiled. Lucas Matthews. Could be my Lucas Matthews is I say yes. I have deicded. I am going to answer him tonight. Hopefully, my choice won't kill our friendship, and won't ruin our plans. My choice is one I might regret later, but I had the night to think it over, and even if I might end up regretting it, I'm following threw with it. No matter how hurt I can get by the end of all of it.

"Can I help?" He stopped mid way.

"Don't trust my cooking, Bonnie?"

"No, Matthews, I dont trust you." And I ran to the kitchen, ready to make a great meal.

"Oh shit!" Why was he saying 'Oh shit?' Probably can't accept getting beat by a girl. Behind me, someone cleared his thorat. I turned to see a very angry man. 

"Oh shit." I repeated. 

"Hey dad, this is Haven Bonnie, Haven meet my dad, Keving Matthews." 

"Nice to meet you Haven. Um, Lucas you two didn't well, um you know-"

"Oh for shits sake dad no we didn't have sex, she didn't give me a blow job, I didn't eat her out and there was mo masturbaiting what's so ever!" I turned beat red.

"Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom. It was nice meeting you Mr. Matthews." I turned to walk.

"Nice to meet you too Haven and call me Kevin."

"Right, Kevin." It felt so weird to say.

"You know if my dad wasn't here I'd join you!" He did not just yell that out. I started to make my way, when I remembered I didn't know which way to go. I turned back and herd them talking about me. 

"I'm surprised son, first time you bring a girl home and have no sexual activities with." First time? I needed to talk to Lucas and his sex habits. 

"Yeah dad but Haven's different. She's not a slut like the rest." Nice to know he didn't think I was a slut. 

"Say son, I think you might actually like this girl." There was a pause. Was I not like-able? 

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