Chapter 11 - Not What I Thought

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A week has passes since I've seen Lucas. Rumor has it that he dropped out of school. Another rumor says its because he found out I'm pregnant and ran away. The rumors about me kept going on, but at this point I don't care. I already lost everything that I had. 

Days after my return to this living hell, everyone who was suppose to be on my side, ended up betraying me and going on Jerry's. I didn't care. I had all the friends I needed! 

"Haven, are you okay?" I looked at Bethany. We were in the gym, and I didn't feel so good. Having lunch before gym sucked! 

"Wow, looks like she really is pregnant! See, I told everyone. People who barf a lot are pregnant!" Another reason to hate gym - Jerry was in the same class. 

"Leave her alone, Jerry! She's not pregnant! I'm surprised you aren't yet." This wasn't Bethany's voice. I scanned the room to see who was talking. It was some dark skinned girl, with elbow length hair. He had dark chocolate eyes, and I remembered who she was. It was Maddie! We had been going to the same school for years together. Why was she sticking up for me. 

"Yeah Jerry, stop making things up!" Another voice. It was a short little girl, with shoulder length umber hair was talking. I think I've seen her in the hallways before, but I've never actually talked to her - have I? 

"Look here everyone, loser one and loser two think they can talk to me." Some girls laughed, other just starred. 

"The only loser here is you, Jerry!" Bethany sounded as if she was about to punch her again. Instead, she came to help me to the nurses office, with help from Maddie, and um, the other girl. 

The nurse checked me over and just said it was from working out too soon after I ate. She left after giving me some Advil. 

"Um, thanks guys, for what you all did out there. It meant a lot." My voice had come back. 

"It was nothing, Haven. The least we could do after you helped us." Okay, Maddie had snapped! She must have noticed my confused look. 

"In the seventh grade, when I used to be the class geek and Jerry used to torture me, you stood up for me, even when no one else did, until Jerry eventually stopped." Now I remembered! It was hard to think that Maddie was ever a geek. She was hot now! 

"Okay I get why you said what you said, but what about you, um-" I struggled with her name. 

"Avery. My name is Avery, and we don't go far back into elementary school, but we do in high school. I'm small and shy, so a very easy target. Everyday I would walk down the halls in grade nine and Jerry would call me a pussy, then knock my books over. And everyday, you'd yell at her and help me pick them back up. I don't blame you for not remembering, though." And now it made sense why I felt as if I've seen her before. I helped her everyday. 

"See Haven. There are more people out there like Maddie and Avery that know the truth. That know the real Haven Bonnie." I smiled at Bethany, and at Maddie and Avery. It made me feel good to know that there were people out there that I had helped from Jerry's hurtfulness.

*          *          *

After school, me, Bethany, Maddie, Avery, and Anthony would meet at my place. If you're wondering, Anthony is part of the people who are against Jerry, but because he's still dating her (and still won't tell me why) he has to keep it on the lows. It's better for us, anyways. He finds out everything that she plans and we stop it. Like when she tried to put glue all over my locker, we found out and went to school early, preventing her from doing so by hanging at my locker - the whole day. When she tried to spill me food on my at lunch, I found out, and went another way instead of passing her. The more Jerry tried to hurt me, the more people started sticking up for me. It turned out that I had helped a lot of people from Jerry torture. The group of people that were trying to stop Jerry grew day by day, as word got out. I think we were up to at least fifteen people that were trying to help. Even some grade elevens and twelves had joined our side on a battle that didn't involve them!

"So, what's she up to this week?" Avery asked, sounding more and more confident each week. Her small, little shy voice was growing louder each day.

We all looked at Anthony.

"Nothing, but she has someone new on her side now." Every one stopped what they were doing. Jerry already have way more people then we did. Drina being one. It seemed that she had replaced the years of friendship me and her shared with Drina. Ryder wasn't on either side apparently. He just wanted to have sex. He and Lucas were the only two that did pick a side, but as for Lucas, I don't think he'd come on my side and I know he wouldn't go on her side. It must be Ryder. Who else? 

"Who is it?" Maddie finally spoke, breaking the silence. 

"Lucas." Every was in shock, me especially. No, I wouldn't believe it! I had to talk to Lucas, and I didn't care if he didn't want to talk to me. Lucas cannot do this! He can't. I rushed to the door, yelling at Anthony to tell me where he was staying. Apparently he still hadn't come home after the slap I got thanks to Kelly. Anthony rushed over to me and held me back. 

"Let go Parker! Just tell me where he is!" 

"Fine, I'll tell you and let go, but I'm coming."

"We're all coming," Bethany said, getting up. I nodded my head, and we all went into the cars. 

Avery, Maddie, and Trent, another guy one our side (I hadn't helped him but he never liked Jerry) went in Trent's car, while me, Bethany and Anthony went in my car, Anthony driving of course, since I still didn't have my license. Man, I really needed to get it. 

*          *          *

We reached his place in fifteen minutes. He was staying with his grandma's from his mom's side. I didn't even wait for the car to stop before I jumped out and went to the door. I rang the bell, praying that he'd opened the door and not his grandma. The door opened. Here goes nothing. 

"Haven? What are you doing her-" I cut him off. 

"Cut the crap, Lucas. You teamed up with Jerry now?" He looked down, and everything was confirmed. 

"You little-" 

"Shut it Haven, he's not worth it. He wants to join my slut of a sister, let him." I turned and saw Bethany, Avery and Maddie behind me, with Anthony and Trent not to far behind. 

"Don't talk Bethany, you don't know shit!" Lucas looked up. 

"Don't talk to her like that," and I slapped him. I didn't mean to but all my anger came out and I just reacted. I didn't show it on my face that I didn't mean it, though. He deserved it anyways. 

Anthony and Trent were behind me, kind of holding me back. 

"Did you just slap me?" He sounded pissed. He was never pissed at me. What the fuck is going on? 

"Problem?" And that's when hell broke loose. He leaned in, as if he was going to slap me back, only to be stopped by Trent and Anthony. I leaned back trying to hit him, stopped by Trent, who now released Lucas into Anthony's care and held be back. 

"Let it the fuck go, Haven! He's not worth it. If he was, then he wouldn't be with Jerry." This was the first time Trent actually spoke to me. 

"No, not until I smack some sense into him!" I yelled, trying to get passed Trent. It was no use, especially when he picked me up and dragged me to the car.

"I'll drive her home. Get that fag under control and meet us back at her house!" Trent yelled back to the others, as he placed me in the chair and did my seat belt in a way that I couldn't escape. Damn, this kid has to be a boys scout. 

The ride home was silent for two reasons. One, I didn't want to talk to Trent after he treated me like a baby. Two, we never really talked before. Well, wasn't this a great week? Defiantly not what I thought. 

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