Chapter 9 - Boyfriend-less Weekend

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I woke up the next morning expecting something exciting to happen, but the only thing that sparked any fun into my morning was when I accidental almost slipped in the tub while having my morning shower. Lucas had left early. He came into my room at eleven, kissed my forehead and left. Okay, so for some people, waking up at eleven isn't early. But to Haven Bonnie, hi that's me if you forgot, it's like telling me to wake up at four in the morning. I'll probably slap your face and tell you to shove a dick up your ass. The only reason I woke up early last week was because, well it's Lucas taking me on an adventure, I'm surprised I didn't wake up at four.

"Honey, it's almost three. Get up, take a shower, do your hair and makeup and GET READY!" My mom yelled the last part.

"Wait, makeup? Who said anything about makeup?" I laughed. My dad wasn't still happy about the idea of me wearing makeup. As I got up, I herd my parents fall into a debate about what I can and can't do. Ah, parent's, what can you do? Honestly, if you have some tips feel free to share them because I don't know what to do!

As I got into the shower, I started remembering all the things me and Lucas did during our week. I had a blast! It just sucks that Monday, I have to enter that hell they call school again. I can't wait to get out of it. I don't think I can handle seeing Jerry and James' face everyday for two more years. I finished my shower, and went to get ready. And then I remembered. I ran down to my father's study.

"Dad, I won't be seeing Arnold today, will I?" I was in my towel, and my hair was dripping everywhere.

"Well, um, you know, I was going to tell you....JULIAN!" My mom ran into the room.

"What is it now, Robin?" I turned to face her. My eyes pleaded.

"Please tell me Arnold isn't going to be there. PLEASE!" She didn't speak. Great, now I'll have to be seeing Arnold.

Arnold was the son and Mr. and Mrs. Justice. Both of them are lawyers and their last names happen to be related to their careers. I laughed when I first herd that. Anyways, ever since we were ten and I met Arnold, he has done nothing more then try to make a move, and every time I reject, he thinks I'm playing hard to get. Then he plays hard to get and all I could think is 'You're already hard to want!' Don't get my wrong, He's pretty damn hot, but he's not my type. I'm social and he's not. I stand up to bullies, he is a bully. I'm a pieces, he's a Leo. Short and sweet? We are not meant to be!

"Hey daddy,you know I love yo-" he cut me off.

"You're going." Well, guess there's no way out of this. I went to my room and wore p.j's. I wasn't going to where my new dress and then do my hair and makeup. I may be part blond, but I'm not stupid. Well, not that much I hope. 

By the time I blow-dried, then straightened my hair, it was six. We had to leave at seven. I was behind, and time was not on my side. Going full out makeup isn't needed so I just wore some foundation, eye-liner, and mascara, with my signature baby lips pink punch lip balm, of course. I never went anywhere without it. It was six thirty when I finished. I quickly slipped on my black dress. It was a birthday present from my mom, and I didn't have the chance to where it before. It had the new style of short in the front and a little longer in the back with a cute brown belt that went across the waist. Since my dress had dark colours, I decided to where my hot pink open toe pumps with a cute bow on the end. It matched my lip balm, and hey, I love me some pink! I accessorized with my silver Juicy Couture bracelet I got for Christmas. At ten to seven, I was done. 

"Mom? Dad? I'm done!" I went to the stairs and started making my way down, when my pumps got stuck in the floor board. I started to fall, until two hands gripped my waist to pulled me back up. 

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