Chapter 4 - Betrayers die Hard

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It wasn't long before Lucas and I were standing outside James' door.

"So, do you have the key? Because knocking is going to kill the whole purpose of this." I slapped him on the shoulder. of course I had the key!

"Okay, okay. I get it. What room will they be in?" I thought about it. James would take her to his father's room, since it's a big bed and his father never uses it.

"Master bed room." He nodded and I unlocked the door. We tip toed to the master bed room. Damn, was I really doing this? Sneaking into my boyfriends - make that EX boyfriends room to catch him cheating with my now EX best friend? I had officially hit rock bottom.

As we came closer to the room, we started to hear moaning. I stopped. I can't do this. I'm too big of a pussy. I just don't want to believe that he's doing this, with my best friend! Lucas came around and put his arms around me.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, once we bust the dick sucker, and slut." He held my hand and pulled me to the door.

"On the count of three. One, Two, THREE!" we opened the door to see Jerry, James, and some other bitch I didn't know having a three-some. HONESTLY? A THREE-SOME?! Jerry was sucking his dick, James was eating the bitch out, and the bitch was fingering Jerry.

"Honestly, man, what the fuck are you doing?" It was Lucas. He seemed....well, disturbed.

"Haven? What are you doing here. And why the hell are you with him?" He was asking me why I was with a friend, when he was having a fucking three-some!

"Don't you dare ask me that when you have me ex-best friend, and some slutty bitch from the streets, in your bed, having a fucking three-some!" I was snapping. And I had a right too. Who the hell did he think he was?

"Well, you wouldn't give it to me, and I'm a man. Your man. And as your man, I forbid you from hanging around with him." Oh hell no he didn't!

"One, I don't give a flying fuck about what I will and won't give you. Two, you're not a man, you're a pussy head. I would call you a dick head, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE A DICK! And three, YOU ARE NOT MY MAN! Oh and Jerry, GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I stormed out, until I realized I left Lucas, came back, grabbed his hand, and stormed out once more. Then I walked back in, picked up a heel, which looked like Jerry's and threw it at them. Then I left for good.

"Wow, you got a violent side. Remind me to never upset you." I wasn't in the mood for jokes. Not when I just found out my boyfriend was fucking my best friend, and God knows who else! Lucas must have noticed my saddness.

"Are you okay, Haven?" I shook my head. I wasn't okay, and I wouldn't be for a long time.

"So, are you okay with skipping some days from school?" I looked up. What was he planning this time?

"Yes, what do you have in mind Matthews?"

"How about one week, just me and you, and I'll show you a good time. No sex, I promise. I mean, unless you want to-" I cut him off.

"I'd love to!" I smiled, and he returned the smile. He took my hand and led me back to his house.

* * *

"Okay so, do you want surpirses, or do you want me to tell you what I have in mind." I hated surprises. They weren't needed if the person was going to find out anyways.

"Tell me."

"Shit, I was hoping you'd say surprise because honestly, I'm still unsure of what we're going to do." I slapped him again. This bozo wants to take me on an adventure, and has no idea what we're going to do? Loser, but my special loser, for caring about making me happy again.

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