Chapter 7 - Adventure 3;Day 3

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I woke up expecting to see Lucas, but was shocked when he wasn't there. Instead it was Ryder.

"Hey babe." Oh gosh did I sleep with him? I yelled, and he put his hand around my mouth. Okay, he raped me, I know for sure.

"Keep it down sunshine." Lucas came smashing threw the door. My hero. My angry hero, that is.

"What the fuck are you doing Klamers?" He came and knocked Ryder off my bed.

"Just getting to know my future sister-in-law, or next girlfriend, depending of how much she likes you." He smirked. Gosh, I wanted to slap it right off his face. I didn't know if it was the thought of him rapping me, or my mind not fully awake, but I jumped off my bed and tried to slap him in the face, until Lucas held me back.

"Get out, Ryder. Now." Ryder must have seen that Lucas meant it, so he left.

"Well, Hav, you are officially my girlfriend if you tried to kill Ryder." I laughed and hugged him. Yup, every morning sure does have a surprise in stock.

"Where did you go? I was so scared when I woke up to see him. I thought he raped me!" I was silently crying on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I woke up early and didn't want to wake up because your too cute when you drool. I thought he wouldn't wake up, I should have never left you alone with him when you're sleeping!" I felt tears on my shoulder. Was he crying?

"Boo, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, i can't stand the thought of you getting hurt in any way! I'm sorry, but I just want to keep you safe!" I wiped his tears. And then kissed his cheek.

"You are. When you came threw that door, all I could think about was you being my knight in shinning armor." He laughed.

"Come on, let's go get some food, I'm starving." I gestured fainting from no food.

"When are you not?" I slapped him.

"Hey, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, an-" He cut me off, but leaving.

"You coming or not." I jumped off the bed and ran to meet him.

We raced to the kitchen, him winning, of course. I suck at track.

"Well, well, Bonnie, looks like I can beat you at something." Why did he sound so surprised? Not like I was perfect.

"Ha ha, Matthews," He smiled and came close to me. His arms went around my waist and just as our lips were about to meet, Kelly came.

"Good morning Luc- Oh, she's still here." It wasn't a question, but being a stubborn girl I answered it.

"Why good morning to you too Ms. Klamer. Did you sleep well?" She faked a smile.

"Yes, I did."

"Are you sure, I mean those black puffs under you eye beg to differ." Well, that should put her in her place! She quickly touched under her eyes.

"Well, Kelly, maybe if you weren't so busy fucking my dad, and then thinking of way to fuck my life up, you wouldn't have them." She stuck out her chest and walked away. Fake. No one can naturally have boobs that big. I mean seriously, it's like having four bowling balls!

"Nice job, Hav. Early morning mock down. And you look sexy doing it too." I smiled.

"Lucas, and Haven both of you get the hell in here!" Kevin. Looks like Kelly is a little snitch. We walked over to Kevin and the snitch.

"Lucas, what did we say about being rude to Kelly? I thought we had a deal? And Haven, I honestly expected more from you. Just because Lucas isn't nice to her like he should be, you shouldn't be following his example. Both of you are not allowed to leave the house." I'm grounded? My parents never grounded me, but Kevin did? Hell, this isn't even my house!

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