Chapter 25 - "Love Thy Enemy"

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I stood there, still in shock and who I was seeing. Jerry started to walk in the room, a small smile creeping on her face.

"Hey," She said. I looked at her, confused as hell. 

"Hi," I got up and went to my bed. She looked at Lucas and came back to me. 

"How's he doing?" She asked. I finally snapped. Everything I've even wanted to say to her was coming out of my mouth at that moment. 

"Why are you even here Jerry? If it's to get Lucas he's mine not yours so for once in you life just stop trying to take someone elses' guy and start getting your own! Have if you're here to make fun of me just shut it right now. I've been through hell and I don't want to hear from you. Just leave!" 

"I'm not here to make fun of you or get Lucas. We both knew that he only loved you and I can make fun of you all I want but you'll always reply with something better." She answered. Well I was shocked. 

"Oh. Then why are you here?" 

"To see how you were doing. I'm not a monster, Haven. I care about you." 

"Yes, Jerry. So much that you slept with my ex-boyfriend who was still dating me at the time. Really care about me." I was glaring at her. No way she come in here and start saying she cares about me. All she cares about is herself. 

"That's not true!" 

"Cry me a river, Jerry. Now go find someone else to bother or have sex with either way doesn't bother me." 

"But I'm in lo-" She was cut off by Bethany coming in with Anthony, Avery, Trent and Maddie behind her. If you're wondering what happened to the guy Maddie was seeing, it didn't work out. 

"Haven you won't believe what I read in Jerry's Diar-" She stopped, noticing Jerry.

"What's she doing here?" Beth asked, glaring at her half sister.

"I'm here to visit my friend and you were reading my diary?" 

"She's not your friend Jerry. No one is. Not even Klover. And I have no idea what you are talking about." I almost laughed at Beth's way of trying to cover up for saying she read Jerry's diary.

"You just admitted it!"

Bethany was about to reply back when Anthony stopped her.

"Why are you here, Jerry?" He asked, trying hard to stay calm.

"To visit my friend." And all hell broke loose. I caught some of what they were saying to each other.

"You little bitch!"

"What do you know about friendship?"

"Don't hit her!"

"I really want a cookie right now." I'm pretty sure Maddie said the last part. The yelling got louder and louder.

"Just tell us why you're really here, Jerry!"

"To make things right with Haven." My turn to step in.

"There us nothing you can do to make things right."

"I don't even know why you would do that." Trent said. everyone started agreeing with him until Jerry just snapped.

"Because I'm in love with Haven, and if I can't have her, no one can!" Silence. Once Jerry realized what she just said, she looked embarrassed.

"Jerry are you a... I mean do you like um..." I started, unable to finish.

"Does she like girls? Yes, that's what I wanted to tell you. Her whole diary is about you and how much she likes you. Her theory; she can't have you, no one can and she did everything in her power to destroy you. Not because of jealousy, but because she thought you'd come crawling to her for comfort and that was how she could get you." Bethany explained. 

"Jerry, is that true?" 

She looked down. 

"Yes, I wanted you for myself and i was ready to do anything to get you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted you to feel the same way about me that I felt for you. Klover tried to take your place but I didn't let her. That's why we're not on the best of terms right now." 

"Wait a minute. I had a three-some with two lesbians?" James asked, looking horrified. Trent tried to hide the smile and he place a hand on his shoulder. 

"Dude, be proud you had sex with two lesbians, something every guy wants." That's when he started to smile, went out to the hallway and started yelling, 

"I had sex with two lesbians at the same time!" A nurse came and pulled him into my room.

"Is he with you?" We all nodded our heads.

"Does he need help?" Everyone erupted into laughter.

"No, nurse. There is no cure for stupidity." I answered and pulled him back to lay beside me on the bed. Once everyone calmed back down, the nurse left and I faced Jerry.

"Jerry, you know that I'm not on the same boat as you or Klover, right?" Everyone got serious again.

"Yeah, but I just wanted you for myself that I got caught up in trying to get you. It was so bad that I was willing to destroy you in the making. I'm sorry and I changed. Really I did. I want to make it up to you. All of you. Anthony I'm sorry I cheated. Beth I'm sorry I made you lie to everyone and say that you weren't the real daughter of your mom. Maddie and Avery I'm sorry for being a bitch to you. James, I'm sorry I played you and Trent." She stopped.

"To be honest Trent, I don't know what I did wrong to you." Everyone giggled a bit.

"Nothing but it gave m an excuse to spent time with Avery." He replied. Avery rolled her eyes and they kissed.

"I hope you can all forgive me." We all looked at each other and Anthony responded for all of us.

"We can forgive you Jerry, but we can't forget. What you did will take time to heal, and right now that's all we ask for. Time to think it over. Not about forgiving you because we all do but just on the fact if we can get over what you did. But no more drama okay?" She looked a little sad but still smiled.

"No more drama." Then we all hugged. Not. She said her goodbye's and left, leaving the rest of us alone.

"One problem solved, now for Lucas." Anthony said, just as the nurse came in.

"Okay sweetheart, you can go home." She said.

"What? But I'm not feeling well." I replied.

"Girl you're brother got stabbed and almost died and he went home this morning. Dodn't use that excuse. Besides, hospital food is nasty."

"But.." I looked at Lucas. The nurse followed my gaze.

"We'll take care of him, now get going." With one more glance at Lucas, I got all my things and left. James stayed back to check on Lucas for me, while Anthony and Bethany drove me home. I held my tears as I kissed Lucas goodbye, and left.

A/N: So please don't hate me for the long wait! I tried to upload as fast as I could but I am fighting a big headache. So all the secrets are out. What do you think? Comment/VOTE! Please and thank you (: Also only 5 more chapters left and DLS will be done. Tear! Thank you for all the support in making this stroy and helping me make an idea a great book. At least I hope it's great. Bye guys!

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