Chapter 19 - One Secret, Big Shock

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When we were back in my old room, Michael tied us up again, including Angelo this time. Honestly he needs a big slap across his drugged up face! 

"Now, I'm going to go cook supper. Call if you need anything and I'll see if I'm in the mood to allow it." I starred him in the eyes and glared.

"What if I have to pee?" He laughed. Not funny, I have tinkle issues. 

"Like I said, I'll see if I'm in the mood." I started to pull against the bars and Michael left laughing. I struggled more until Angelo spoke. 

"It's no use. He knows how to tie a good knot." I turned my head to face him. He shouldn't be here, tied up with me. Lucas shouldn't be either. 

"I'm sorry, Angelo. You tried to help us and it got you no where." Angelo smiled and put the arm that wasn't tied around me. 

"I spent my whole life trying to find you and I wouldn't like the druggie we call dad get in the way of finding my sister." I returned the smile. He spent his whole life looking for me? That was so sweet. 

I looked around the room. Dust was everywhere, broken furniture's lay across the floor and stuffing from a teddy bear was lay across the top of the dresser. It was dark. Something you'd see in horror movies. The only new thing here was the bed which replaced the crib that used to be here. Looked as if Michael had his plan thought out. 

I realised then that Lucas hadn't said one word since the phone call. Even then he was too quiet. Something was up. I turned over and tried to get closer. I put my free arm on his shoulder. 

"Hey," He looked up and faked a smile. 

"Hi," Something was bothering him. I knew it. 

"What's wrong Lucas?" His smile vanished, as he looked down once more. Lucas why won't you open up? I gave him a peck on the cheek, hoping he'll open up. Instead he turned bright red and Angelo faked a cough. 

"Something wrong Angelo?" I couldn't keep the smirk out of my tone. 

"Yeah, I'm not comfortable with you dating so as far as we're concerned, Lucas is just a friend." He winked and I laughed. Even Lucas cracked up a real smile. I turned my attention back to Lucas. I will find out what is bothering him or die trying. Considering the situation, that might actually happen. But one can hope, right? 

"Lucas, give it up, tell me what's wrong." He looked down for a moment more then raised his head. 

"You know what's wrong? You shouldn't be here. You should be at home with your parents and friend, safe and out of danger. I should be the only one here; no one else. Because of me, you and your brother are here. It shouldn't have happened. Every time I love someone I put their lives in danger! And I'm sick and tired of being the reason why people die!" I looked at him. Tears were coming down his face. 

"Lucas how does any of this have anything to do with you? Obviously my father is crazy and needs to be locked up. You had no input in it!" I tried to keep my voice down as much as I could. Just because everyone knew Michael is crazy, doesn't mean I want him knowing that. Not when my life is in his hands. 

"Anthony told me about your visit. If I hadn't met you, you would have never went to see him because I hurt you! Jerry wouldn't hate you, the school wouldn't have thought you were pregnant and everything would be alright." So this guy wanted to piss me off. When will he understand I hated the life I lived? 

"You're right, Lucas. None of that would have happened. And because of you I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend. Because of you I opened up to my friends and now I don't have to hide behind some lie. And because of you I learned that it is possible to fall in love. You taught me all that. You made me open up. You opened my eyes to see what I didn't want to. And because of you I am the happiest girl in the world, but you don't understand that. It's always about you! But at the same time it isn't. You know everything about me and all I know are the basics. I'm tried of being on the under hand. When will you open up, Lucas? When will I get to fall in love with the real Lucas as well as this one?" He smiled and pulled me closer. 

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