Chapter 24 - Brotherly Love

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I woke up to the sound of my parents talking to the doctor. I herd something about letting me out either today or tomorrow, depending on how I felt. Well I was going to make sure they change those days to when Lucas gets out because I'm not leaving here without him. Just then, I remembered someone else. How stupid could I be? Angelo! He saved my sorry ass too. I jerked awake and started to get up. My mom noticed me and tried to calm me down. 

"No, mom I have to go see if Angelo is okay!" I tried to say and she held me down. 


"Dad tell her." My dad looked at my mom. 

"Julian, she can't visit one guys, let's not make it to guys." My dad said, and I smiled. I got up and hugged them both. It was a good thing the nurse took off all the wires and machines that were attached to me or else I'd have to bring them with me. 

I left the room and went to the one next to ours, walking in on a small mass happening around a young girl that had a head injure. Everyone looked at me. Well 'm stupid. 

"Sorry looking for me brother. Carry on and remember The Lord Is Good, Amen." I did the sign of the cross as I left. I wasn't making fun of them. I'm Catholic myself. I just need to find Angelo. This time I tried the door on the other side. As I pass my room, I herd my dad yell,

"Wrong room?" 

"Yeah." I yelled back and went inside Angelo's room. He was sitting on the bed, watching NHL, the leafs playing Boston in the play offs. What a loser.

"Honestly, I come to visit, thinking you're almost dead by all the blood you lost and I find you almost jumping on the bed, playing hockey." Angelo finally noticed me.

"Hey sis, come over here." He spread out his arms and I went into them. He wrapped his arms around me.

"How you holding up?" He asked. 

"I'm fine. You seem to be fine. Lucas? Not so fine." I almost cried at saying that last sentence. 

"Cheer up bed. He loves you. He'll wake up." I laughed at Angelo's attempt to cheer me up. 

"I thought you were against us dating?" I stated.

"That was before I saw him throw himself in front of an open knife to save you." I shivered at the thought. The memory of that night was still foggy and I don't want to remember it. 

"Change of subject," Angelo said, noting my mood.

"You'll be seeing a lot of me from now on!" I got excited. 

"You're moving close to my house?" 

"Better, you're parents want me to move into your house." I yelled and hugged my brother tight. So we only knew each other for three days or so. I loved him and knowing he was the only sane and alive one of my real family meant a lot to me. He was my half brother but I'll take what I can get. I let go of Angelo, realizing what this meant.

"What?" He asked.

"Rules." I smiled. He shook his head and sat back down on his bed while I named all the rules.

"Rule number one, don't come into my room without knocking. I like to change my clothes at the most random-est moments. Rule number two, don't you dare drive any of my cars. Rule number three..." I kept naming all the rules I've thought of for the longest time, hoping I could use them on a sibling.

"And my rules, don't crush on my friends, don't come into my room, don't ask for rides, and leave my alone when I tell you too." Angelo said, cutting off my room number twenty five. Ass hole.

"Ha ha, very funny." I glared at him.

"Goodbye Haven," I smiled now.

"Goodbye Angelo. See you at home loser." I started to walk out.

"Eh, treat your brother with respect." Angelo yelled. I smirked.

"We'll see!" I yelled back and went to my room and sat beside Lucas.

"Wake up, Matthews. Please?" I herd a knock on the door. I turned and it was Jerry. Holy hell. This was not going to turn out well.  

A/N: Hey guys! So I know its short. I was going to write more but I'm fighting a big headache right now but I promise I'll update soon. I'm thinking about 6 more chapters then I'm done. What do you think? Next chapter: Chapter 25 - "Love Thy Enemy" and you can already tell why it's called that because of the ending of this chapter. Once more, I want to conclude by saying that my friend @LDPTMFCARR can NOT kill me for this chapter. Love you all! Bye <3 

PS: Sorry for the short chapters! I'll make up for them. 

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