Chapter 26 - Orange Juice

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When we got to my house, Laurence told me that my parents had gone out on some big important work thing and that Angelo was taking a shower. That's when the questions started. 

"Haven! Lucas is still in the hospital and you have another boy?" Bethany joked. I glared at her, knowing when she found out, she'd regret saying that. 

"No, but my brother does live here too now." Both Anthony and Bethany's mouths dropped opened. I had a small smile of satisfaction and explained to them the whole story. When I finished, Angelo showed up in only a towel wrapped around his waist. Bethany's eyes almost pop right out of her head. I tried to hold in my laughter. 

"Oh hey Haven. Sorry to bother you and stuff but I can't seem to find the shampoo mainly because I didn't go out and buy any. Want to share?" Angelo said. 

"Hey Angelo and it's fine. Go up to my bathroom and grab the brand you like most." Bethany slapped me. 

"Haven, you never told me you had a hot brother." She mumbled a little too loud. I rolled my eyes, Angelo stood there awkwardly and Anthony's jealousy was making his face boil. 

"Not something I care to comment about on my own brother, Beth." I stated. 

"Um, well it was...nice meeting you guys. I'll just go..." Angelo said, no finishing before running up the stairs. It was getting harder not to laugh. Bethany was about to drool, but noticed it before and wiped her mouth. 

"I'm just going to go get some orange juice." She said and started to walk up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and Anthony shouted behind her. 

"Orange juice is in the kitchen and the kitchen is on this floor." She started to run up the stairs and he shook his head. 

"I'm going to go save your brother. You going to be okay?" He asked. I smiled and hugged him. 

"I'm alive aren't I? Go help Angelo, he'll need it and..." I stopped. 

"Thank you. For everything, Anthony. I really mean it." He smiled back. 

"Hey if I don't stop you from killing someone, who will?" I laughed as he went up the stairs. I turned to get me some orange juice when James came running in the door. 

"Hey James, what's wrong?" I asked. He looked as if he was rushing here and that something was bothering him. 

"Lucas," I dropped my cup at that one word he said, shattering it all over the floor. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"They want to take him off life support. You need to come help me stop them or at least say..." He stopped. 

"Let's go, now please!" He nodded and we ran to his car. 

*          *          * 

W got to the hospital at a speed that would get us arrested. I saw Lucas' dad sitting there crying at Lucas' bed. He noticed me and wiped his tears away. 

"Haven, I.."

"I'm sorry," He finished. I shook my head. 

"Don't let them kill him, Kevin, please!" I said, tears rolling down my cheek. Kevin shook his head. 

"He's brain dead already, Haven. I want to end his suffering." 

"By making me suffer?!" I was bawling now. 

"He'll wake up, please just believe me! Don't do this. Just wait a little longer!" 

"I can't anymore! It hurts to see him like this, Haven. Don't think it isn't hard for me. I lost my wife and now I have to loose my son!" 

"No Kevin, you don't have to loose your son but choose to." I couldn't control the words coming out of my mouth anymore. 

"I'm sorry, Haven. I'll let you say your goodbye now." He said and left the room. I walked over to Lucas. 

"You said you wouldn't leave me ever again." I started but couldn't get the words out. I placed my head on his chest and started to cry. 

"Don't leave me, Lucas, please just wake up! Every things fine now. Jerry said sorry, James isn't an ass hole, Bethany and Anthony are together and so is Trent and Avery. All this happened because of you. You made us all give up our dirty little secret. You made everything right. You made me right. Please, just wake up and we can get married and have seven son's and two dogs just like you told me. I'll do anything, please just wake up!" I herd a knock at the door. It was a doctor. 

"It's time to say goodbye." I cried more. 

"Can I just kiss him? One more time, please?" I asked, tears still coming down my face. The doctors nodded their heads and left once again. 

"I love you Lucas." I said as I leaned down, my face just inches above his until my lips were barley touching. 

"Truly, madly, deeply, in love with you, Lucas Matthews." I started to continue my journey - last journey to his lips.

"W-what are you doing, Bonnie." Someone crocked. My eyes almost popped out of my head. I got up and Lucas was there, awake.

"Shit, I did it again didn't I? Let's try this again." He said closing his eyes and saying the same thing he said the first morning I woke up beside him. I smiled and leaned down and kissed him. He kissed my back and it never felt more right. The doctors came in, noticing my smile and then noticing Lucas, awake. 

"True loves kiss." I herd one mumble as they came in and started asking him questions and giving him water. He was very thirsty. They left a little while later and Lucas was getting better each second. He moved over and told me to lay next to him. I did. 

"Don't ever leave me again or God so help me I will kill you." I joked. He laughed and kissed me.

"Get my coat, please." I looked at him. Was he really asking me to do that right now? 

"Please?" He asked. I shook my head and got up to get it.

"You know when I said that I would do anything, I didn't mean it." I said and he smiled. I got his jacket and gave it back. He started to ruffle through his pockets until he got out a small box. 

"I promise. Do you?" He opened it and inside were two beautiful promise rings. I gasped. 

"I don't know. A life with you, and being a Matthews? I'll have to think about it." I teased. He raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh sorry, I thought you were Jerry, wrong girl I guess." I slapped him. 

"Let me do this properly. Do you, Haven Bonnie, promise yourself to me, Lucas Matthews?" 

"I do." I responded. He smiled and put the ring around my finger. 

"I may now kiss my soon to be bride." He mumbled as he leaned in, and kissed me. 

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