Chapter 2 - New Guy

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When I got to school, Jerry attacked me.

"Oh my gosh, Haven! You won't believe what happened to me..."

It was like we were never in a fight. As she continued telling all about how her teachers hate her I saw Anthony. He was making his way to Jerry. Poor little sex dog.

"Hey babe, hi Haven." He was so adorable. Poor little sex dog. Stuck with a girl like Jerry.

"Ugh, what did i tell you about calling me that in public? Seriously, don't!" Jerry was being such a bitch.

"Anyways, so did you hear about him Haven?" I was lost. hear about who? i shook my head. Now, I was engaged in the conversation.

"Lucas Matthews? The new guy that is so cute. Man, I'd like to do him." Anthony cleared his throat. Did she not care that her boyfriend heard everything right after she scummed him for calling her babe? She honestly needs a slap in the face and if I could, I'd volunteer to go first.

"What is it Parker? Can't take a joke? Of course I won't bang him, in front of you, that is." the last part was a whisper that only I can hear. Jerry truly was a slut. She had no feelings towards anyone but herself. Sometimes, it's like she doesn't even care that we're friends. All she cares about is my popularity getting in the way of hers. Hell, she can take mine!

"Um, excuse me, I'm new here and can't find my way to class. Anyway you can play tour guide and help?" I looked up to see a tall, dirty-blond, grey eyed hottie.

"Oh, I can help! This one over here is too big of a fucktard." I couldn't believe that Jerry just said that, and about me! Honestly, what the fuck goes threw that tiny brain of hers to call me a fucktard!

"Thanks, but I asked her," He was standing up for me? To Jerry? I had officially liked this guy. she opened her mouth to talk, but I beat her to it.

"Yeah Jerry, seems like he wants someone new, not someone used," I smirked, and the hottie laughed. Jerry's mouth was wind open. Served her right for calling me a fucktard. He handed me his schedule, and it turned out we had three classes together.

"That was really cool what you did back there with Jerry. No one has the nerve to talk back, but me." He laughed.

"Well, that's because everyone is as cool as me. Well everyone but you, that is." I lowered my head. My face had to be beat red.

"Well I guess cool people only come once in a while. Can I know the name of my fellow cool guy?" He smiled.

"Lucas. Lucas Matthew, and if you keep being cool, I might show you more about myself that would make me a very bad guy." He winked. I blushed, even more! Lucas. What a sexy name.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Lucas, I'm Haven Bonnie. The slut back there is Jerry White, who happens to be my best friend, and the other guy was her poor boyfriend Anthony Parker." Well that was lame. I sounded like a responsible adult, and anyone who knew me knew that I was any thing but responsible.

"Why is he the poor boyfriend? From what you told me, she's the most popular girl here, next to you, of course. Last time I checked, guys liked that. Which reminds me, do you have a guy? And if yes, how faithful are you to him?" I laughed. Lucas was probably the first guy, or person, I had ever had a normal conversation with. Others just agreed on everything I said, and Jerry was always finding ways to bring me down. James only talked about sex with me, and Anthony hardly talked to me!

"He's the poor boyfriend because he's dating the one girl that does't give a shit about anyone, but herself. Yes, guys do like that, and please don't refer to me as popular, I hate that. Now, the last question I do have a boyfriend. One who doesn't like to attend school, and I am very faithful to him. Answers everything?" He pouted. I didn't know if it was because I told him I had a boyfriend, or because I said that I was faithful. I don't know why, but I wanted him to be jealous.

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