Chapter 3 - Cheaters in the Making

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Lucas took me to McDonalds for lunch. Basically we were going to skip, because it was really far away. Seriously 2 buses and you still need to walk for a bit.

"Wow, Haven, I never took you for the kind of girls that skip with the new guy. You seem more of the type that kicks the new guy in the balls for even thinking about it."

"So, you want me to kick you in the balls?"

"No, because quiet frankly, I do enjoy my balls where they are. What I'm trying to say is that you seem to be surprising me every moment." I smiled. It was great that i can surprise him.

"Well, I'm glad I can keep you entertained." Now he smiled. Talking to Lucas was a highlight of my day. Sure he mention sex with me some times but he still talked to me about other things. Right now, that's all I need. Someone to be real around me and not someone who's scared of me.

"So, do you and Jerry always fight like this?"

"No. To be honest, this is the worst fight we ever got into."

"Its not because of me is it? Because if it is, I'll just leave you all alone." I quickly shouted no. I didn't want him to leave.

"Good, because I like you Haven, as a friend, and maybe even more if you end it with dick sucker." I smiled. I loved hearing that he liked me back.

When we finally reached Mcdonalds, I was starving. I even bought the double Big Mac, which I never do.

"Hey Haven, if you're still hungry, you can share with me." He was laughing at me. Well, the jokes on him.

"Well, guys don't like skinny bitches, so I gotta keep eating to prevent that." Let's see him beat that!

"They also don't like fat hippos." So he beat me. I slapped him. He fake cried. I laughed. And then we got kicked out for PDA. Apparently a dick going into a pussy isn't something people want to see while eating.

Okay, so we didn't have sex in the restaurant. But we did almost kiss. Somewhere between the laughing and slapping, Lucas stopped. Held my waist. Moved his head forward. Lips brushed. And I pushed him away. I was not Jerry to have a boyfriend and make out with anyone else but him.

"One of these days, I'll kiss you, and you won't see it coming. Then, I'll hold you so you can't pull away, and you'll have no other choice but to kiss back." He winked.

"Over my dead body you will." And he laughed.

After the most amazing lunch ever (and I do mean ever), we went home. School was done anyways. And when I say home, I mean his house - which should seem like a bad idea. But I'm a bad girl so I have to do bad things. Turns out, he lives in the same condo as James. My life, was fucked in the ass.

"So, wanna spend the night here?" Then it hit me. I haven't gone home in over a week. Hell I didn't even call! What surprised me more was the fact that my parents didn't call and ask.

"Um, let me call my parents first, they're probably worried sick." Lie. My parents didn't give two shits about me. Why would they? Not like they were my real parents. My real parents were drug addicts and weed sellers. I got taken away when I was three by child services. Ever since then, I've been living with my foster parents who were stuck up rich people. But at least they were rich. And I don't remember my real parents so I refer to Julian and Robin McKlan as my real parents.

"Hello?" It was Julian.

"Mom? Hey, sorry I haven't called in a bit. I was over a friends house." They did not approve of me staying at guys' house, but they did know I have a boyfriend.

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