Chapter 23 - The Kissing Games

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I went to sleep after the nurse had come in to check up on me. I had hoped to see Lucas in my dream again. It might have been just a dream, but it felt so real. Sadly, I got no luck. Looks like that might have been the only time. 

"Alright, this sucks." I herd a voice. It sounded like Bethany. 

"What's wrong babe?" Another voice. It sounded like Anthony. Wait, hold up. Babe? They're dating now? Wow you miss a lot when you're kidnapped. 

"She talked to you, talked to James, but whenever I come to talk to her, she's sleeping." I smiled and slowly opened my eyes. 

"Haven! Thank God you're alright. I was starting to get worried." I smiled as Bethany came around and hugged me. 

"Yeah so I herd." She laughed and let go. 

"So I have to tell you something, but um, Anthony?" She looked at Anthony who went to the chair and sat down. 

"Go on, I love a good girl talk!" Bethany and I looked at each other, thinking the same thing. 

"Okay, so yesterday I got my period and-" Anthony cut her off. 

"I'm leaving!" 

"Bye!" We said, in sync. Bethany came to my bed and sat down. 

"Real gossip please?" I asked, dying to know.

"What? You don't want to hear about my period issues? What a good friend you are." I laughed and she got comfortable. 

"So, tell me." 

"It's about Jerry. Something is wrong. Ever since you were kidnapped, she's been acting, well, different." I sat up. Jerry? I'm pretty sure it isn't because she was worried about me that for damn sure. 

"How different?" 

"Her and Klover. They come home and lock themselves in Jerry's room, not come out for hours and I think they're planning something." I fell back onto my pillow. 

"Planning something against who?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"You. I walked by one day and they were talking about you. I didn't hear what they said exactly but I herd your name." 

"Change the subject please?" 

"Sure. How are you feeling?" I laughed at her attempt to change the subject. 

"Fine. Being kidnapped made me leave the pain in the ass of high school and Jerry." She laughed. For the next while, we just sat there and talked. Talked about random things, school, boys, food, boys, what I'm going to do when I get out, boys and well, boys. We were interrupted by James. 

"Hey," He said softly.

"Hi," I replied, smiling. Bethany looked between us and got up. 

"Guess I better leave." James was quick to stop her. 

"No it's fine. Anthony will be looking for me anyways." I smiled and she left. James came and sat on the bed. I moved over, giving him room and he crawled into the hospital bed. 

"How are you feeling?" I laughed at his attempt to make conversation. 

"Good. How about you? You seem down and you left without telling me." He laughed. 

"Same old Haven. I'm fine, it's just-" He stopped. 

"Just what?" I asked, getting too noisy. He was silent for a while. 

"Being with you yesterday reminded me of us and I miss that. I want another chance, Haven. I'll do anything for it, please." I looked at him. 

"What made you do it?" 

"Made me do what?" 

"Cheat on me. With my best friend." He sat there, not talking for a bit. 



"Guilt. I felt guilty because at first, I only started dating you to get to Jerry. Then, somewhere in between, I started to fall for you. But I realized that I wasn't the right one and the one you deserved. So I cheated. Not to hurt you. But to finally get what I wanted. I thought that if I got it, I wouldn't feel guilty anymore. Turns out, I felt worst. I love you Haven. And I want to be with you, more then just friends." 

"James I-" He cut me off with a kiss. It wasn't like the kiss I shared with Lucas. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel right. With Lucas, everything felt right when we kiss. Now with James, all I felt was wrong. Wrong that I was doing this while dating Lucas. I pushed James off me. 


"I have to go now." He started to leave.

"James please listen to me!" 

"Bye Haven." And he was gone. 

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