Chapter 21 - I See door, I See Locked. I See Trapped By The One I Love

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A/N: So I have a long title.....Not strange. Read My Sister's Boyfriend and you'll see. So in this chapter I as that my friend LDPTMFCARR does not comment saying that she will kill me because I think she might mean it this time. Sorry if I disappoint you with the ending of this chapter, but I had to do it. You'll understand later in the story. Also, a big thank you for everyone who read this far up. You guys mean the world to me and I truly love all of you guys!

Shit, why did that always have to be the question? Easy way or hard way. Obviously everyone wants the easy way but no one in their right mind would do it. Very creative Michael. I'll admit the poem was pretty good. 

"Look dad, just let them go and I'll stay with you, please!" I turned over to Angelo. Oh no he didn't! 

"Okay, you've-" Lucas put his hand over my mouth and gave me the look. I tried biting him but he must have known I would because his hand tightened it's grip. Come on, Matthews! 

Michael let out a laugh and started to walk to us. Lucas pulled me behind him.

"No Angelo, I want her. Leave Haven here and leave and the rest of you won't get hurt." Wait, why did he want me? I would have asked if someone's hand wasn't pressed onto my face.

"Sorry can't let you do that. She's not up for trade." I looked at Lucas. Oh so he can talk but I can't. How sweet. Not. Michael continued to walk to us, knife become more and more visible. Shit, we're all dead. Well mom, seems like I'll be with you in a while. Same goes for Lucas and Angelo.

"Lucas you've been good this whole time. Let's not ruin that now." Michael spoke to Lucas but his eyes never left mine. When Lucas finally released my mouth I shouted the words I've been wanting to know this whole time.

"What do you want from me?" Everyone looked at me. Michael smirked.

"Sweetie, I want what your mom couldn't supply when I killed her."

"You said my mom killed herself."

"I lied. Lied about a lot of things."

"What was it that Haven's mom couldn't give you?" Angelo asked pushing me behind him too.

"She knows. She was three but I know she knows." Yeah I did know. He wanted to rape me. Uh hell I'm his child! Talk about gross!

"Typical, dad. My mom couldn't give you that, Haven's mom couldn't give you that and now you want Haven? Too bad because I won't let you touch her. It wasn't enough to kill my mom you had to kill Haven's too." Back up. We had different moms? I thought we had the same one. Turns out I was wrong. So three children kidnapped here all with dead moms and crazy fathers. Who would have thought.

"Shut it Angelo!" Michael said and he jumped forward bringing the knife on Angelo. I yelled but thankfully Angelo got out of the way in time. The got into a full out fight, while Lucas and I stood there.

"Haven, find a door and try to get away. Don't look back no matter what. Promise me you can do that Haven please!" Tears were coming down my face.

"I won't leave you two." Lucas put his hand to my cheek and hugged me.

"You're not leaving us. You're helping us escape. We're just the distractions." I nodded my head and Lucas kissed me on my lips.

"I love you Haven and whatever happens I want you to know that." I shook my head.

"Don't make this sound like a goodbye Lucas." He smiled.

"See you soon my love."

"See you soon." He pushed me off and I ran looking for a way out. As I turned the corner, I looked at Angelo and Lucas one more time. Both were fighting for me.

"I love you guys." I whispered, knowing they will hear and took off.

Finding a way out was hard considering I haven't been here since I was three and the fact that this whole day I only saw the upstairs part. The house was big and every turn I felt more and more lost. Every floor board made a sound and every corner was Michael waiting for me. I was paranoid.

"Haven." I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Michael. I turned but he was no where in sight. Hide, Haven. You have to hide. I qucikly found a crack in the wall that was big enough for me to fit into and pulled a chair to cover the enterance. I herd foot steps and saw Michael come around with Lucas in his hands. Where was Angelo? 

"I know you're hiding Haven but the longer you hide the longer your friend her suffers." I looked into Lucas' eyes. He didn't know where I was but they read 'Do not come out Haven!', so I listened to them. 

I herd something dragging across the floor. It was Angelo. Michael had stabbed him in his leg. 

"Did I also mention the longer you hide the more blood Angelo looses and the more he reaches death?" I had to see where Anthony was. If I came out I'd be putting us in more danger but if I stayed hidden longer Angelo and Lucas could both die. I took out my phone and saw that I had a message from Anthony. 

Anthony: I'm coming there right now with the police officers. Everyone alright? 

Me: Hurry! He just stabbed a boy and Lucas might be next. 

It wasn't long before a got another message from Anthony. 

Anthony: We're outside the house right now. There's more people he has?

Me: Yeah my brother Angelo. He's loosing blood fast. 

Anthony: We can't come in right now. They can't find an unlocked door and breaking in would cause too much noise. It's a big house and he can hide anywhere. We're trying Haven. Just be calm and try to stay alive. 

I smiled at the last text. 

Me: Trying my hardest Parker. 

"Haven, he's loosing a lot of blood and soon Lucas will join him." He raised the knife to Lucas' throat. No. I have to help him. Before thinking things through, I leaped out of my hidding place and attacked Michael, making him release Lucas.

"That's what I wanted." Michael got up and started to chase me. I ran through the hallways, looking behind me ever so often. Lucas had been knocked out from the fall or else he would be helping me right now. Angelo was knocked out from the amount of blood lost. Soon I was going to be knocked out...Forever!

I kept running, even when my legs told me to stop until I tripped over a floor board. Wait a floor board? It was the same one I tripped over when I was three. Great now I was going to die. I fell face first onto the floor, Michael laughing as he approached me. When he finally reached me, he pulled me by my hair, lifting me to face him. 

"I'm going to finish what I started thirteen years ago. This time nothing will stop me." He lifted the knife and brought it down with so much force. I waited for the blow with my eyes close until I realised that he was gone. I opened my eyes to see Lucas fighting him. Something waas pooling out onto the floor beside Lucas. Blood. Lucas had been stabbed into his side. I screamed and ran forward when I was grabbed by someone. It was an officer. 

"Freeze!" Michael got up to make a run for it when more officers and the SWAT team cornered him. 

"Don't move or we shoot." One officer said, all pointing their guns at him. 

"What do I have to loose." Were Michael's final words. He moved and they shot, killing the man who murder my mom. 

I struggled to get free and get to Lucas. When I finally did, I ran over. 

"Lucas? Lucas stay with me." He was barley hanging on, but he still managed to smile. 

"You're safe now. You don't need me." I was bawling. 

"No Lucas I need you! Please Lucas please! We said this wasn't goodbye!" His hand went up to my cheek. 

"That wasn't. This is." 

"No Lucas! No goodbyes! Please I can't take them anymore. No!"

"I love you Haven." And he shut his eyes. Because of me, another person died. This time it happened to bethe person I considered to be my boyfriend, enemy, and best friend. 

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