Chapter 8 - Adventure 4; Day 4

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I woke up to the smell of my mom cooking. Gosh did I miss her! Lucas and I came back home last night, when Kevin kicked me out. I still couldn't believe he did that! I know Kelly must have had something to do with it, but to be so fucking rude? 

"HAVEN! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Oh shit. My parents weren't home last night so I couldn't tell them that Lucas was staying over. My dad must have discovered him. Let's go get grounded once more. I climbed out of bed and ran to the guest room - well, one of the guess rooms. I got in and dad was holding a gun at Lucas' head. Well, my dad had lost it! 

"Dad, what are you doing?" I ran over and blocked his view of Lucas. Shit man, my dad wanted to kill my boyfriend! 

"He tried to rape you!" i started to laugh. Both guys looked at me like I was crazy. 

"He tried to rape me? Dad, don't kill me, Lucas is scared of having sex, right Lucas?" I glared at him to get him to follow my lead. 

"Yes Mr. McKlan, the whole idea of sex gives my the chills." My dad lowered his gun and did the one thing I didn't see coming. He smiled, and stuck out his hand. 

"Welcome to the family Lucas!" Lucas took his hand. My mom came running threw the door. 

"What on earth is going on her?" I went and hugged her. I missed my mom so much! 

"Just the usual mom, dad trying to kill my boyfriend and all." She laughed it off and everyone else joined her. 

"Well, guys let go eat, because this girl isn't going to wait any longer." They all looked at me. For someone who had a boy like mine, people thought I never ate. 

"Guys don't like skinny bitches, how many times do I have to say that?" 

"As much times as it takes you to stop saying those types of words. You're a lady, not a tramp." I giggled, remembering the famous Disney movie The Lady and The Tramp.

Mom made the best breakfast ever! Eggs with bacon, toast, butter, and freshly squeezed orange juice. Then, my parents found out where I was the past couple of days, and also found out how Lucas is now my boyfriend and and their daughter is not a slut, two-timing her boyfriend. They also think I did the right thing by hitting Jerry with her shoe. After breakfast, I got ready and met Lucas at the door.

"Where to now, Matthews?" He smiled.

"Surprise!" I glared at him. I hate surprises!

"I'm sorry, Bonnie, but as long as you're with me, there will be a lot of surprises. Get used to it!" I glared more, but when he didn't tell me, I gave up, and took him to my garage to pick out a car. What, my parents are rich, and I've been getting cars since I was twelve.

"Pick a car," I pointed to all of my rows of cars. My favourite was the pink Ferrari, and I was really hoping he'd pick her. Yes I have genders for my cars, and if you're wondering yes I names her too. Her name is Bonnie. I named her after my mother's surname.

"Please pick Bonnie!" I whispered. Lucas must have herd me.

"You want me to drive you?" He sure was stupid. I slapped him.

"No the pink Ferrari. Her name is Bonnie, after my mom's surname."

"I am not driving a pink car!" I used my puppy dog eyes. I would drive her, but I don't have my drivers permit to. When I told him that, he laughed. 

"You have like what, over five cars, and you can't drive?" 

"I want to, but my dad thinks I'll crash my cars so he doesn't let me get one!" He dyed of laughter. Well, he was a meanie! 

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