Chapter 17 - Caught

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I woke up the next morning, neck killing from sleeping on the couch all night. Usually I'd start off there and be in my bed the next morning, but I guess Avery being over meant that he forgot about me. I wasn't mad. I think it's cute they're together. I just wished I could be open with my relationship with Lucas like Bethany with Anthony and Avery with Trent. Even Marie has someone now, and I'm just there, hiding my boyfriend from the world, and looking like a loner. Have you ever noticed that loner rhymes with boner. That's because when your alone, and think of someone pretty, you get a boner. Oh gosh, I'm high. Why the fuck was I even thinking about these things?

"Haven? Are you awake?" Avery had come into the living room now, starring at me. I rolled my eyes.

"No, Avery, I just like to sleep with my eyes open like a fish." She giggled. I love Avery, but she sure could be dumb at times. Trent came in the room, and started to make out with her. What a surprise. I covered my face with my pillow.

"Guys, get a room! But don't use mine, though." They stopped kissing and laughed. Of course they would laugh.

"Get ready for school, Bonnie." Trent said, messing up my hair. I slapped his hand and got up.

I got to the washroom when my phone started to ring. It was Lucas. I smiled and answered it.

"Haven is sleeping at the moment, call again later!" He laughed. Man I missed that laugh.

"Well, then I guess I should just go home." I stopped. Where was he?

"Lucas, where are you?"

"Outside your bathroom window." I turned around and surprise, surprise, he was there. I laughed.

"Want to open the window?" I saw his mouth move but heard him from the phone.

"Nope, you look hot like that."

"Okay, no good morning kiss for you then." He started to climb back, and I ran to open the window.

"I guess you do want your kiss." I laughed and he came into the washroom. First thing I did was hug him. I missed him a lot. He kissed my head and started to raise my head o face him. He leaned in for a kiss when I pushed him back. Lucas looked hurt and confused.

"Morning breath!" He laughed and I brushed my teeth, which was way to hard considering that Lucas kept tickling me.

"Tickle me one more time, and I'll rip your balls out and feed them to you, Matthews!" I said after I washed out all the tooth paste. He started to laugh. Was my threatening funny? I thought I was pretty damn threatening. He came closer, pulling me in by the waist.

"I dare you, Bonnie." He said, just before he started to kiss me. the kiss started off sweet and soft, but just as it started to get good, someone knocked on the door.

"Haven, please tell me your aren't drinking again? Honestly, I don't think I can handle you without Anthony when you're wasted." I herd Trent behind the door. Stupid Trent! You just had to mention that now!Lucas raised his eyebrows at me.

"Trent, go away!" I yelled through the door. Please leave, please leave!

"Oh shit, she's wasted. Avery!" Great, now she was going to come too.

"I'm not wasted, now leave-" They opened the door, to see me and Lucas, arms wrapped around each other. At first they stood there, mouth dropped opened. Avery was first to speak.

"What the fuck?" Lucas finally let go. I ran to her, grasping her hand.

"I can explain." I plead. Trent snarled.

"You better start." So I told the, everything, not leaving a single detail out. By the time I finished, Lucas had come and put his arms around my waist.

"So that's it. I didn't lie when I said we broke it off. We did, but we just got back together." I explained.

"You could have told us " Avery sounded hurt. Here comes more explaining.

"No we couldn't. I left Haven in order to protect her. Parker knew this, which is why he didn't want you guys coming over and yelling at me. Trent found out later on, but none knew that we were back together because I couldn't risk it." Trent hid his face and Avery glared at him. After a moment, she understood everything.

"Okay I get it and don't worry, we won't tell anyone." I smiled and hugged her. She finally understood. At least now whenever it was Trent's turn to watch me Lucas can come over. 

When I got to school, Avery and Trent would act so weird whenever Lucas was near. Yup, if I'm ever planning to bomb a place, make sure not to tell them. Every move I made caught their attention and every text I sent was a big deal. This made me wonder. How the hell did they keep their relationship a secret? 

The end of the day couldn't have come sooner. I just wanted to be away with my boyfriend. When it did finally come, I ran to the car where I knew Lucas would be waiting. I rushed into the car, putting on my seat belt as I spoke. 

"Sorry I'm late, boo, I had to go get some books for my english ISU." I leaned over to Lucas to kiss him and I finally noticed why he wasn't talking back. He was tied up, with duct tape on his mouth. I reached over and took it off. 

"Leave Haven!" Okay he was crazy! I wasn't going to leave him like this. 

"Not until I help you! Who did this!" 

"Haven!" He yelled and I was pushed into his lap, while someone got into the drivers seat and started to drive. Me and Lucas had been kidnapped. 

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