Chapter 28 - Back To The Way It Was

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I woke up to the feeling of being watched. It took me a while for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I saw six pairs of eyes, starring at me and Lucas. I jumped out of bed, causing Lucas to stir. 

"What's wrong Haven?" He said, not realizing the people in my room. 

"Oh I don't know but waking up to see six eyes starring you down would make a girl jump. What are you doing here mom, dad and Angelo?" I asked. The three of them looked awkward. 

"We couldn't find Lucas and came here to check. When we saw him we uh, want to..." My dad couldn't finish the sentence.

"What you're father is trying to say is..." And my mom couldn't either. Angelo looked at both of them. 

"We thought you and him had sex okay?" Angelo blurted out. I stood there with my mouth opened. Lucas just started to laugh. 

"Really? It's like you don't even know us. If I was to sleep with her, I wouldn't have woken up at all because it would have lasted the whole night and Haven won't even let me sleep with her on her wedding day." He had a point. I started to laugh with him and soon everyone was laughing.

"Well, we're going to leave you too now." My mom said, escorting Angelo and my dad out. I sat back on my bed, leaning on Lucas. 

"I can never wake up beside you and expect a normal good morning, huh Haven." Lucas said. 

"Sorry, Luc, that's not included in the package deal." I teased. He laughed and we both got up and went for breakfast.

Mom had made eggs and bacon with orange juice. Orange jucie. I laughed at the memory of Bethany when she first met my brother. Come to think of it, I forgot to ask Angelo what happened.

"Angelo, what happened that day with Beth?" He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"She followed me into the shower and her boyfriend had to drag her out. When she didn't leave, we decided to bargan with her. Turned out she only wanted to feel my abs. Once she did, she left. The odd part of it all, I actually like her. Not crush wise but she's pretty cool. And funny." I laughed and Lucas just starred at us.

"Yet another thing I missed." He muttered. I hugged him.

"Sorry, but our world didn't stop just because you were playing sleeping beauty. Well, I wouldn't call you a beauty.." He removed my hand.

"And I wouldn't call you my girlfriend." Oh so he wants to play this game? Bring it on, Matthews.

"OKay then, I'll just call up James. I'm sure he'll love to call me his girlfriend again." I started to get out my phone when Lucas ninja attacked it, dropping it on the floor.

"You didn't let me finish," He started. Well let see what he'll say to cover this up.

"I meant that I would call you my future wife." My dad choked.

"Wife?" He asked. Shit, not again.

"You are honestly a fucktard, Lucas Matthews! I didn't tell them yet either." My mom came across to us.

"Language, Haven. And what didn't you tell us?" She asked.

"That I promised myself to Lucas?" I made it a question to sound more innocent than I actually am.

"Look, mom, dad, he asked me after he woke up. I was looking for the right time to tell you guys, but this idiot doesn't give me the chance." Lucas just smirked.

"I found the right time!" And I slapped him.


"Did that hurt?"



"Both of you shut up!" Angelo yelled, causing me and Lucas to shut up but still giggle.

"You know what, I'm going to go meet with some friends. Hope you don't mind Mr. and Mrs. McKlan. Haven, don't hit Lucas and Lucas don't bug Haven. Goodbye." He said and left. 

"Bye Angelo!" We all yelled behind him. 

"He's just an amazing young man, don't you think Julian?" My dad asked. 

"I agree, Robin. Just splendid. Now if only Haven were to-" I cut her off. 

"Haven is proper and doesn't need to be changed." Lucas just laughed at my statement. 

"Haven needs a lot of improvement." He replied. 

"Haven will be shoving her foot up your ass." I answered back. 

"Haven needs to stop referring to herself in the third person." 

"Wow, big words. Didn't know you even knew what thrid person was, Lucas." 

"There's a lot you don't know about me, babe. Now let's go." I just shook my head and followed behind him. I herd my mom mutter something like, 

"They really are perfect for each other." And my dad respond with,

"She went right with this one, I'll give her that." Me and my dad need to have a talk. 

"Stop listening to other people's conversations. Now come on. I have a surprisse for you." Lucas said, pulling me out of the house. 

"Surprise?" I asked. He nodded his head and I started to get excited. 

"Oh my gosh! What is it?!?!" Okay, maybe started isn't the right word. 

"If I tell you it won't be much of a surprise now will it?" 

"Uh, yeah it will. I promise not to tell myself. Now spill it." He glared at me. 

"I mean, please?" I asked, putting my innocent face on. 

"Aw, you're so cute when you try to get me to tell you something." He replied, hugging me.

"So you'll tell me?" 

"No." It was my turn to glare at him. 

"I hate you." I said, walking to Juno, my yellow ferrari. 

"Love you too." 

I got to my car and went to the drivers door. 

"Can I drive?" 

"I thought you wanted to see you're surprise." Lucas answered. 

"I do." 

"Then why are you asking me to let you kill both me and you?" Fuck you Lucas, I thought. Of course I didn't say it out loud. Just huffed and walked to the passenagers door and got in. Lucas started the car and we were on the road. 

The car ride was filled with me nagging Lucas to tell me what the surprise was. It was taking forever! Actually, it had only been half an hour, but I was dying! I don't do well with surprises. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Lucas parked Juno. 

"Okay, get out Bonnie." He said, but I was alreaday out of the car. He ame over and hugged me from the back and kissed my neck. Then he placced a blind fold on my eyes. 

"Aw man! Please don't be kidnapping me to, Matthews!" I herd Lucas laugh and started to walk me inside a room. I herd a song playing in the back round. It was I want crazy by Hunter Hayes, my favourite boy country singer. 

"Are you ready for your surprise?" Lucas asked. I felt his breath on my ear and it tingled. I nodded my head and he removed the blind fold. 

"Surprise, baby!" He said and I was agast. All around me were pictures of me and Lucas during everyone of our adventures the week we first started dating. One of us with Mickey from Disney world. One was of me, Lucas, Anthony, and Bethany bowling. And another was of Lucas with Starbucks wipped cream all over his nose. There were more too. Some where even taken at the hospital when Lucas finally woke up. 

"Do you like it?" Lucas asked. I looked at him, feeling the tears creep on my face. 

"I love it." I said, walking over and hugging him. 

"And I love you, Lucas."

"I love you too, Heaven," He replied. Then, he leaned in, and kissed me. 

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