Chapter 13 - Drinking Habits

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Trent drove me home. He and Anthony had created a schedule on who will watch over me each night. Seriously they treated me like I was five. I still couldn't move in my seat, and I hadn't spoken to Trent the whole way. I took this time to look at him - actually look at him. He was tall, and tanned.He had dark chocolate brown eyes, and dark hair. Not my type, but cute. My type was tall, dirty blond hair, and gray eyes. I was in love with gray eyes ever since I read Fifty Shades of Grey. I thought about what I look for in guys. It all went back to Lucas. I just realized that he was my perfect guy, but he left. 

We finally got home, and Trent unfastened my seat belt. I ran into the house, grabbed some bottles of beer, wine, and tequila, and ran into the washroom, locking the door. I wanted to drown in my sorrows. All the pain I felt because of Lucas. I started to drink. And drink. And drink. Trent was knocking at my door.

"Haven, what are you doing in there? Let me in!" I was already starting to feel wasted.

 "Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin!" I laughed. Yup, I was intoxicated. Trent sighed and started calling someone. 

"Anthony, man get over here. She locked herself in the washroom, and I think she's wasted, bro! Thanks!" So Anthony was coming. Great! 

"Haven, Anthony is coming so get the hell out!" I opened the door, and he ran in. He looked around and saw all the bottles, most empty. 

"Shit, Haven, Parker is going to kill me!" 

"You're cute." He looked at me like I had just said I wanted to murder him. I leaned in, trying to, I don't know do something I guess. He held both of my hands in one of his and carried me to my room. He placed me on the bed, and just as he was about to leave, I pulled him in, and kissed him, long and hard. He pulled back the moment it happened. 

"Haven, stop! I-I can't!" 

"Why not?" I asked, kissing him again. He tried to get my to stop, but I was too wasted so he failed. 


"Why?" He was pissing me off. I wanted to kiss him, and that's what I was going to do!

"Because, I'm in love with Avery Green!" I stopped, not because of what he said. I was too wasted to know what he was saying. I ran to the washroom and barfed everything out, until nothing was left in my stomach. I fell to the floor, and Trent made his way to the washroom. 

"Haven, are you okay?" I could talk. 

Anthony arrived second later. He ran into the washroom and carried me back to bed. 

"Haven, you're really stupid, do you know that?" 

"I know, Anthony, it's just, I'm in love with him." I could hardly get the words out.

"Me?" Trent spoke up. I sat up.

"No, not you, you faggot! Lucas. I'm in love with Lucas Matthews and he doesn't love me back! He played me like a toy and dropped me for a better one. He got over me but I'm still in love with him and it's killing me!" For the first time since Lucas dumped my sorry ass, I told someone how I felt. I didn't know if it was because I was still intoxicated, or because my suffering was never going to end, but I knew I had to tell someone. Anthony and Trent came and sat on my bed beside me. Anthony hugged me, and I cried. No matter how many times I said that I didn't need him, I would never mean it. I needed Lucas just as much as I needed to breath. I can't go on without him.

"Haven, listen to me, everything will be alright. Please, for once in your life believe me!" Trent spoke, stroking my hair.

"No it won't! My life is falling a part. All because a stupid guy had to come here! Honestly, why did it have to be me? Why do I need to always be the one who gets hurt? My ex boyfriend cheated on me with me ex best friend, my other ex boyfriend left me for no reason, my cat died, and my mother died trying to save me!" Did I just say that? Both boys looked at me.

"Haven, what do you mean? Mrs. Bonnie is still alive." Anthony spoke, as if he was missing something.

"No, Anthony, Mrs. McKlan is still alive. My real mother is dead because my real father killed her. He didn't want a child and when she had me, he tried to kill me, only to be saved because she gave up her life for me. Mr. and Mrs. McKlan adopted me, all because my father didn't want me. Just like Lucas, James, and Jerry didn't want me." They both looked at me. 

"There it is. My dirty little secret. From the day I was born, I was unwanted." Anthony hugged me tighter. 

"Then tell me why I want you? You're one of the most amazing girls' I know and I am proud to call you my best friend! And I'll prove it!" He took out his phone and dialled a number. 

"Hey Jerry? I just wanted to say something, It's over bitch!" I looked at him, mouth forming a 'O' shape. I looked over at Trent who had recorded everything! Anthony hung up.

"There, now I can tell the world that you're my best friend." I hugged him.

"Yeah, Haven. Why else did I join your side? Because you are an amazing person. Since you admitting your secret here's mine. I'm in love with Avery. We have this thing going on, but I want to make it official. I was hoping to do it once this whole feud is done." I turned over to him and hugged him.

Bethany walked threw the door. Did she hear everything? Maddie and Avery came in after. 

"What did you say Trent?" Avery asked, turning red. 

"I um, you know." He reached over and kissed him, which made both of them red. 

"My turn!" Bethany said, excited as ever. 

"Okay, Mrs. White is my real mother, not Jerry's. She was born from the slut my dad hooked up with. And one more thing, I'm in love with someone." We all looked at her. 

"Who?" Everyone asked in union. 

"Me." Anthony stood up. Bethany gave him a look.

"How do you know?" 

"Because I love you back!" So that was who he loved! Everyone turned to Maddie. She was the only one without a secret.

"What? I don't have a secret." We all gave her the look.

"Okay, okay! I lost my virginity at the age of twelve to a boy who was seventeen." Wow. That was something. We all laughed and shared secrets for the rest of the night. Then, every one fell asleep on my bed. It's a pretty big bed, but there was no room to move. Tonight have been an interesting night. I feel as if I have someone to trust. And tomorrow, I knew what I wanted to do. And for the first time in days, I fell asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

*          *          *

I woke up the next morning early and tried to get out of bed without waking anyone else up. That failed because everyone woke up.

"Haven! What are you doing?" Bethany asked, dragging out my name.

"I, um, well, I wanted to do something today."

"This early?" Trent asked, unwrapping himself off Avery.

"Well, let's all get ready and go, I guess." Anthony chimed in. At that moment, I realized that these people were going to come every where with me, and I was glad.

*          *          *

An hour later, everyone was piled into two cars. Avery, Maddie and Trent in one car, while me, Bethany and Anthony in another. We drove for a while and reached our destination in an hour or so. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Anthony asked as we all went to the door. I nodded my head and we entered. 

The receptionist asked who we were here to see. 

"Um, Michael Bonnie." Her smiled turned upside down. 

"And who are you?" 

"I'm his daughter." 

She took me to the room, with my friend behind me. Well, here goes nothing. I was going to finally talk to my real father. What could possibly go wrong? 

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