Chapter 15 - Driving School

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It didn't take us long to get to Starbucks. Bethany and Anthony were already there, kissing away. Maddie parked the car and we walked over to them. 

"You do realize that we'll be in so much trouble when we go back, right?" Oh Anthony. You just had to state the obvious. Bethany hit him on the arm. 

"Ow!" He yelled at her, grabbing her waste and play hitting her back, before taking her into a long, deep and really annoying kiss. Honestly couples are annoying! Then it hit me. Where's Avery and Trent? 

"Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but where's the other couple?" They stopped kissing and look at me. 

"I thought they were with you guys." Bethany said.

"Nope, it was just me and Haven. Trent said he was going to drive Avery, and when Haven called, they said they were going to come." Maddie answered. We all stood there for a moment then shrugged our shoulders. They're okay...I hope. 

We ordered our meal and sat down to eat. I ordered a hot chocolate and two big chocolate chip cookies. I love cookies. We all ate and talked about random things. For the first time in a long time, I felt happy. I didn't care about anything that was going on. In the end, I was a teen and I'll forget about all of this in the future. 

"Earth to Haven!" I came out of my day-dream. They were all looking at me. 

"Huh?" Anthony shook his head.

"See? She can't drive when her mind is always out of this world!" Drive? Did he say drive?

"What you talking about, Parker?" They all laughed at my attempt to sound strong. 

"We're talking about you signing up for driving school. What do you say?" I jumped up and hugged Maddie for saying that. I needed to drive! For a girl who had five cars, it was embarrassing to ask people for a lift. 

"I'm guessing that's a yes." I turned to Bethany. 

"But my parents won't let." 

"I talked to them. They think you're ready. You start today at four." I ran over and hugged Anthony next. I was going to learn to drive! 

I looked down at my watch. It was two. Two more hours and I can drive! 

"Who's going to teach me?" I expected one of them to teach me, mainly Trent or Anthony. 

"The school has some people who will. They need their hours and teaching others to drive is how they're going to get it, I guess." I nodded my head, as Maddie explained how the system works. 

*          *          *

Two hours later, I was sitting in the car, waiting for my driving teacher to come. If I could, I would have started the car and drove off. I knew the rules and had my G1, I just never got my G2. 

The person came through the doors. 

"Okay ready for your less-" He stopped and I looked at him. No, no no no no no no no! I won't believe it. 

"Hi Haven," He sat down and did his seat belt. I looked at the steering wheel. 

"Hi Lucas," I mutter back. My driving teacher was none other than Lucas Matthews. What great luck I had. 

We sat there, no one talking at first. Then, he finally spoke. 

"Look, if me being the teacher is going to be a problem, I can switch with someone." I looked at him for the first time since he entered the car. No, I won't give him the satisfaction. I smiled at him. 

"Why? We only dated for a week. Actually, I don't even think of it as dating. It's not like we kissed or did anything like that. I'm okay, but if you aren't-"

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