Chapter 27 - Party Over Here, Woot, Woot!

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My life was complete. Lucas was awake again and I had promised myself to him. Jerry was no long out to get me. Anthony and Bethany were together as were Avery and Trent.

It has been one week later, and the doctors were finally releasing Lucas. Everyone was gathered at my house for a welcome home party. Lucas and Kevin still hadn't worked things out so he was staying at my place for a bit. Not that I cared.

"Anthony, hang that banner up higher. Trent, you're a guy, blow more balloons. Avery I swear if you drop that cake I will drop you!" I was yelling orders everywhere. Bethany came and pulled me aside.

"Girl if you boss one more person I'll be hitting you and landing yo straight back to the hospital bed."

I smiled at her threat.

"I just want everything to be perfect, Beth." I exclaimed. She hugged me.

"Don't you think Lucas coming back is perfect enough?" I smiled and said I was sorry to the others.

When the door finally opened, everyone yelled surprise and I hugged Lucas with all my might.

"Welcome home, baby." I whispered in his ear.

"Great to be back, babe." He replied and we kissed until James pulled us apart.

"Look pussy face she was yours while I was asleep now she's mine." Lucas said to James, using their nicknames for each other.

"Oh come on ass hole, if it wasn't for me you'd be buried by now. Let a guy get a little love." James replied. Lucas smirked.

"Okay," and he went over and hugged James. Everyone laughed and James tried hard to break free.

"Dude, are you gay?" He asked. Lucas finally let go.

"No but you said a dude needed love. And if I was gay, then why would your ex have promised herself to me?" Lucas replied and everyone gasped. I slapped Lucas on the head.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"For being an idiot! I didn't tell anyone yet, Matthews!"

"Well now you did." I just shook my head and walked over to the party.

The party started out small and fun. Just the eight of us hanging out and fooling around, and by nine, we had about twenty people at my house. I didn't want to be rude and kick them out, but I had no idea how they found out about the party. It was only suppose to be between our little group and James. We decided he should come because, well, he was the one who got me to Lucas and he wasn't being an ass hole anymore.

I had separated from Lucas and couldn't find anyone I knew. Well, I knew the people but not really knew them. Just 'hi, bye' friends. When I finally spotted James, he was with Maddie talking and drinking beer. Really? Beer? How classy. I walked over to them, pushing some people out of my way as kindly as I could.

"How the hell did all these people know about the party?" I asked, right when I got to them.

"Well, I thought we need to celebrate this big occasion. Don't you like it?" James replied, smirking. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would be behind this.

"James, you are such an idiot sometimes!" I yelled. He just laughed. Man he knew how to push my buttons!

"But you love me anyways." It was my turn to smirk.

"Friend, love." I said and air kissed them both.

"Now if you guys will excuse me, I'll be looking for my boyfriend now." I said and just as I was about to leave, James grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"He's right here," He said, smirk on his face. Again, I rolled my eyes.

"James you're not my boy-" He cut me off.

"Turn around Haven. I didn't mean me." I turned around and Lucas was standing there. Well that's a great palm to the face right there.

"You know, for a smart girl, you're really dumb Bonnie." Lucas said, pulling me to his room.

"Oh shut up Matthews. I just wanted to spend some time with you, alone." He rose his eye brows.

"Alone, eh?" I glared at him. Of course he would take the dirty verson Well I knew how to play this game better.

"Yeah, I saw you with a blond and all I could think of was that I saw a red head and she's more your type. Easier to get in her pants." He came over, lopping his arms around the belt straps and pulled me closer so that our faces were inches apart.

"Maybe the only girl I want is right in this room."

"Only want to get in her pants or only want to be with?"

"Maybe both. Mostly the second but right now, I really want the first." Guys. Of course he would say that.

"When this promise ring turns into a wedding one, I'll think about it." I said, showing him my ring. He smiled.

"You'll think about it?"

"I'll think about it." And he leaned in and kissed me.

* * *

At one in the morning, everyone finally left. There wasn't as big of a mess as I thought there would be, so I decided to clean it tomorrow. Angelo and my parents had gone to bed right away, but me and Lucas spent a little time in my room, cuddling on my bed.

"I'm really glad you woke up, Matthews." I said, head on his chest.

"Yeah, me too, Bonnie." He replied, stroking my hair.

"It was funny." He said. This got my attention.

"What was?"

"I had a dream that I talked to you. I remember telling you that I would wake up but I needed time. You agreed on that and kissed me. I hoped to see you again, but I never did." A smile creeped on my face. I remembered that dream I had too, but instead of telling him that, I said,

"I guess you missed me that much." He laughed and nodded his head.

"Guess I did, Haven." We were quiet for a while longer, just sitting there, loving the feeling of being together again.

"I love you, Haven. And I want you to know that every time I say that, I mean it." I looked up at Lucas.

"I know you do. That's why I love you back. That and the fact that you make me look so smart since you're a total idiot." I teased. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not the dumb blond here." Now that was rude. I was not a dumb blond. I was a pretty blond.

"Ass hole!"

"Dumb blond!"

"'I love you,"

"I love you too," And we kissed.

"Good night, Matthews. And you better wake up tomorrow! You had enough rest to last a life time." I said as I got comfy. Lucas laughed and got comfy too. I know my parents think it's a bad idea to sleep next to each other, but I hope they'll understand.

"Good night Bonnie. And I promise I won't" He replied.

"Good 'cause we have cleaning to do."

"That's it, I'm not waking up." I glared at him.

"Maybe I will. But just to try and get in your pants."

"I'm okay with that. As long as you wake up." He smiled and we both fell asleep together. For the first time in weeks, I was able to get a good night sleep.

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