Chapter 10 - Return to Drama

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I woke up to find my bed empty. I was pretty sure Lucas was here last time I checked. I asked my mom where he went, and she said he left to school early. Well, I guess I'd meet him there.

It was Monday, which meant I had to go back to the place I loathed. According to Bethany, the school was divided into two parts. One side believed I cheated on James and the other believed James cheated on me with Jerry. Even the teachers had picked sides. Sadly, all my teachers were against me. Apparently, they saw me talk to other guys in my class and now think that. Bethany over herd them when she was helping out in the office. Well, screw teachers anyways!

I took a shower, did my hair, wore my uniform - yes we have uniform and it sucks! Believe it for not, Jerry actually wears it, but in a slutty way. I put on a little mascara and my baby lips lip balm. Usually, I had Laurence drive me to school, but I had a feeling I would be leaving early so I took my yellow Lamborghini. If you're wondering, I named him Harry Styles, after one of the band members of One Direction, because Harry Styles is hot, and Harry Lamborghini is hot too. I got my keys to Harry and drove off with him to school.

I didn't leave my car until Bethany arrived. She parked her BMW next to Harry and we walked into school together.

The moment I entered the school, all eyes were on me. I knew I would get some looks, but this seemed too much. Bethany had a look of guilt and that's when I knew something else was going around. We walked to my locker and I turned to Bethany.

"Spill it Beth, what's the new gossip about me?" She looked down. Is it that bad?

"Well, um, Jerry, she spread a rumor telling everyone that um, Lucas knocked you up." My mouth dropped open. Me and Lucas didn't even kiss and they think I'm pregnant with his child? I got my books and started to make my way to Lucas' locker when the bell rang. Sadly, Bethany wasn't in my first period, geography, alone. Lucas was in that class with me, and so was Anthony, and Jerry. James and Bethany had science first period. We had assigned seats so I was beside Anthony, while Lucas was with Jerry. Every time I turned over to look at him, he was facing the window. Guess I'd have to talk to him at lunch.

* * *

Lunch couldn't have come sooner. Instead of going to my locker, I went straight for Lucas'. He was there.

"We need to talk." He turned around, looking stressed.

"We do," He motioned for me to come to the corner.

"I don't know if yo-" He cut me off.

"Me first. I can't be seen with you anymore, Haven. The weekend was fun and all, but I think we need to break up. And, please don't tell anyone that we were ever dating, let alone together the whole week." My mouth dropped open.

"You wanted me to forget everything that went on?" He nodded his head slowly. Was I hearing right? I felt a sting in my heart, as I tried to hold back the tears. I put my best fake smile.

"Already forgotten. While I'm at it, I'll forget everything you said, everything that went on between us, and to make things better, I'll just forget you!" I turned around to walk away.

"Haven, wait!" I stopped.

"The pictures, I need all the pictures." I took my camera out of my bag and pressed it into his hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn-"

"No, Lucas, you're not sorry. This was your plan all along. But it isn't your fault, it's mine for actually thinking you liked, let alone loved me. Honestly, did you lie the whole time? Is this what you find fun? Playing with a girl's heart, just when she finally put the pieces back together? You know what, don't answer that. I want to leaving thinking some of your intentions were good."

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