Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"Some memories never leave your bones, like salt in the sea, they become part of you, and you carry them"
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Mariana's POV
"You can't just let yourself in" I said, composing myself, setting my keys and my hat down "Sit down, please" he said I hesitated, taking my coat off and sitting down slowly "I thought we could talk" he said
"When you want to?" I asked "You invited me round" he pointed out "Yes. When I was here" I said back "Well, we're both here now" he said
"Yeah" I said I guess we were I didn't feel hungry however Not when I was still trying to process... this
The man dressed clean and professional Like the Alfie Solomon's of the past Yet his face... his face told such a different story than the man I once knew "You look beautiful" he commented, digging into his food
"Alfie-" "But then you always look beautiful don't ya, never a day I think I've ever seen you look a mess Dove-" "Alfie-" "Yes?" He asked, dropping his knife and fork. Looking at me
"I... we need to talk. Not eat" I said "Yes... as always you are right" he said, pulling the napkin from his lap and sitting back as he threw it onto the table "Tastes like shit anyway" he commented I very much doubted that
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked He was adamant to come round. So what was it? He looked around slowly, hands clasped together
"Funny ain't it? How things change" he said, eyes fixed on the living room "It's been four years Alfie. Things change" I agreed "Yeah, you uh... got rid of my stuff" he said "No" I interjected "No I... I put some stuff away but I... I didn't get rid of anything" I said
"You didn't?" He asked "No" "Right, well then, I wonder does that mean something?" He asked "Like?" "Like... you miss me" he said
"I missed you every day" I confirmed "You still miss me?" He asked "You can't miss someone when they're not gone and you're very much not gone" I mumbled "Are you happy? That I'm alive?" He asked "I don't know what I am anymore. You..." I sighed, leaning on the table, head in my hands
How could I possible explain to him how I felt? How I feel?
"I took so much... time and so much energy into keeping myself together, you... you were the one person who just... saw me Alfie" I said, looking up at him "I finally found you and then I had to cope without you, I had to adjust to a world without you in it. And I didn't think I was strong enough, I didn't think I could do it all on my own, the businesses, the kids, the Shelbys... I just... I wished for you, every night to be by my side" I explained