Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you"
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Mariana's POV
"So if I do buy your guns, you plan to still sell to Irene?" He asked "Would that be a problem?" I asked
Mariana's Outfit
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"Irene doesn't concern me. She's not a threat since Ray died" he said, making me stiffen slightly
"I'm surprised she deals with you. After you took down the Cortez family" he said "It's complicated" Alfie said "Yes, he was your father" he said "Yes he was. But I did not kill my brothers" I defended
"But you did kill Ray" he pointed out "No" I lied, he smiled "I can see why you married this one Alfie. Very smart, very likeable" he said Alfie scoffed "She's hardly likeable" he said
"Thanks" I said He shrugged looking at me "You're not dove. The shit you've done" he said Making me hold back a smile He was teasing me. Joking with me.
Charles cleared his throat, drawing both of our attention back to him "I am going to see Irene, tomorrow, I'm not sure if we'll continue to deal with each other" I said honestly
"Why?" "Partnership conflict" I offered
She wasn't exactly coming through on her side of things She also wasn't controlling Sabini. I think she thought of him as beneath her concern But he was my concern. A big fucking concern Because I wanted the prick dead.
"I'll be straight with you Mariana, it would be better if we dealt without her in the picture" he said "Well... that would depend on how much you pay me for them" I said, sitting back He laughed "Where did you find her Alf? Eh?" He asked "She found me actually" Alfie said
"Yeah... yeah I heard stories of that man you ran around with. Tell me, is Thomas Shelby as bold as you are?" He smiled "He's worse" I said honestly I know Alfie would definitely agree "Tell me your price. And I can think about it over dinner" he said