58| A vendetta won

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A vendetta won

"You're an addiction, a cruel, slow torture that pulls me in and makes me wait, and Darling, you make me so impatient"

"You're an addiction, a cruel, slow torture that pulls me in and makes me wait, and Darling, you make me so impatient"

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Mariana's POV

"I hate all this travelling" I complained, packing my bags once again
"Soon it'll all be over" Alfie reminded me, packing his own
"I still don't understand why you're going. You hate Tommy" I said

He had barely anything to do with him
"Because I want to see it play out. Besides if Tommy does die... then I need to clean up the mess for us don't I?" He explained

"Tommy won't die" I rolled my eyes
"That much faith in him huh?" He said
I sighed
"No. But Tommy doesn't die, even you know that by now" I said
"Yeah... I do" he grumbled, nearing me as he abandoned his bags.

"You think the kids will really be okay? Harvey isn't the best influence" I said, as he took me in his arms
"They'll be fine. He won't let anything happen to them" he said
"No I know" I sighed
I knew Harvey would protect them. It was just a concern what he would teach them.

"He'll be alright. Carter can't wait to spend time with him" he mumbled against my hair, holding me close.
"Hm, I hope so. What are you going to do today?" I asked
"My life doesn't stop just because you're not here" he chuckled

"I'm just asking" I said
I had to go and see Nelson. Convince him every thing was fine
That Tommy was on route to his meeting with Michael tomorrow
That our deal for guns was still on track

Even if it was all bullshit.

"I was thinking of taking the kids out actually, spending a little time with them before we go" he said
"What?" He asked, looking at my smile
"I just never thought when I met you... that you'd be such an amazing father" I said, kissing him softly

"I never thought I'd be a father at all until I met you" he admitted
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, you made me into a family man, and look at me... minding the fucking kids while you go out and sort business" he grumbled, letting me go

"It's the new way of the world darling" I teased
"Yeah well we can share the load once we're gone can't we?" He said
Moving away was a thought that faded in and out of my mind

Sometimes the chaos took over so much that I completely forgot about it
When other times, all I thought about was our family, safe and happy abroad somewhere

Living peacefully

"American air, nothing like it eh?" Jack smiled as I strolled down the dock
"Certainly better than Birmingham" I said, stopping before him and Michael
I was surprised Michael had not left yet

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