16| Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday

"For she had eyes and she chose me"
- William Shakespeare

"For she had eyes and she chose me" - William Shakespeare

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Mariana's POV

"Happy birthday" Nala smiled, holding out a present
"Thanks" I mumbled
"Happy birthday mum" Carter said, as Laurence tried to repeat him, but it came out rather messy

"Thankyou darling" I said
"Where's dad?" He asked
"He'll be here later" I said.

"I can't believe you're not doing anything for your birthday" Nala commented
"Yeah well, when you get to my age Nala, maybe you'll understand. Birthdays are boring and meaningless" I said

"Are they? Or are you just lonely?" She teased
"Fuck off" I said
"Mum" Carter said.

"Who's at the door?" Nala asked, as the door banged loudly
"Go get your shoes on, your auntie is taking you today" I said.

"Fine" he mumbled

Mariana's Outfit

"Mar" Nala shouted I headed to the door Where a man stood with a bouquet of flowers

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"Mar" Nala shouted
I headed to the door
Where a man stood with a bouquet of flowers

"Delivery? For Mrs Solomons?" He questioned
"Uh yeah, yes that's me" I said confused
He came in, putting the flowers down before he proceeded to bring in 9 more bouquets
The living room was soon full of flowers
All different kinds

"Who are they from?" I asked
I had a very strong assumption
"A... Mr Alfie Solomons" he checked
"Okay... thank you" I said, before he left
"This is so sweet" Nala gushed, looking through the flowers

"Yeah... and expensive" I mumbled
I didn't need all this.

"Thought you had to get to work" she said airily
"Yeah, I do" I said, leaving
Alfie had never gone that big with my birthday before
I never really loved my birthday anymore

Not since I was a kid.

"Miss?" A waitress asked, poking her head around the office door
"Yeah?" I asked
"A woman is asking for you" she said
"Send her in" I said simply

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