47| Gangster's children

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Gangster's children

"For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly"
- J. V

Mariana's POV

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Mariana's POV

"It won't make you feel better" I said simply, staring ahead
Tommy had gotten back into the car, and we had been sat in silence since
"It is all I can do" he said back calmly

"It won't make you grieve any more Tommy. It won't make it hurt any less" I tried to reach through to him
"If someone was at fault... for Charlotte's death, would you have killed them?" He asked

"I did" I answered
"I'm the reason she... it was my body, my fault. And I kill a part of me every day that I am without her" I said honestly
An honest reality I hadn't told anyone
That I truly blamed myself for her death.

If I was better...

"Ruby is avenged. That is what matters" he settled
"You are lying to yourself" I said
"There is nothing else to do Mar. Nothing" he said
I sighed
"Let's just... get home" I said

"No. I have somewhere to go" he said
"Okay... where?" I asked
"Drive to the canal and then you can get out" he said simply

Right. Of course he wouldn't say.

"Where is he?" Lizzie asked
"I don't know. He left me at the canal" I shrugged, sitting down beside Ada
"Where did you go?" Ada asked
"You should ask Tommy, when he's back Lizzie, I think... he really needs you" I finalised

"Mar. Tell me, please" Lizzie begged
"He left her funeral. Her funeral, I had to watch her..." she choked
"Where was he?" She asked again

I sat back, rubbing the stress from my forehead as I sighed
"He told me to drive him. Which I did... I didn't know he..."
"What?" She persisted
"He shot Evadne Barwell. As well as four others" I informed her

She shook her head. Getting up and storming out

"He's bad Ada. So fucking bad" I mumbled
She pulled me into a hug
"He always has been" she said
"No. The way he was today... the look in his eyes, the way he... he's gone Ada. He's just gone" I said

Tommy's POV

"A daughter lost. A son found" Esme reeled out
A son?
"Before you went to France a long time ago, at Appleby fair, you slept with a girl, her name was Zelda" she explained

I know. I had gone with Freddie
To take my mind off Mariana
Off the pain and grief I was constantly causing her
And I made a mistake
A stupid mistake with a girl. A stranger

"I met her. She said you slept together under a hazel tree in may, 1914" she went on
"She fell pregnant. Her father threatened to kill you. But you ran away Tommy, joined the army and left for France... you remember the girl and the hazel tree don't you Tommy?" She asked

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