39| Morality and Humanity

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Morality and Humanity

"Expectation is the root of all heartache"
- William Shakespeare

"Expectation is the root of all heartache"   - William Shakespeare

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Mariana's POV

He sat silently, just looking at me as I settled myself on the sofa
I was not going to sit opposite him as though we were in a meeting
We were not
I simply stayed at his house

Mariana's Outfit

"How have you been?" He asked randomly, standing up to sit on the other sofa "Tired" I said "You?" I asked"Restless" he offered

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"How have you been?" He asked randomly, standing up to sit on the other sofa
"Tired" I said
"You?" I asked
"Restless" he offered

"Lizzie said you weren't sleeping" I said
"I'm sure Lizzie said plenty" he said
"No. I've heard all about your behaviour from Ada actually" I said
"And what is the verdict?" He asked

"No verdict Tommy. You look well, not drinking" I said instead
"But?" He said, waiting for it
"But I stopped the pills because I was 'fine'. It only deepened my delusion and my confusion" I said

"I'm not deluded" he said calmly
"Not yet" I argued
"The pills. They made me feel insane. They made everything quiet and simple and straightforward, not... not how I was used to. I was used to the screaming, the voices, all the different angles and opinions and the constant chaos and noise" I reeled off

"It's like a white hot blur of sounds and songs and voices and faces constantly battling over each other for attention. And those thoughts made me feel sane. Because I could see every perspective" I said

"And?" He asked, uninterested
"And every night I closed my eyes to nightmares. To my mother, to prison. To the war. Seeing those faces, hearing those noises, their screams, their pleading, their blood. I... I couldn't take it Tommy. Sometimes we need the medication" I explained

"And alcohol is mine?" He questioned
"Peace is yours. But in the meantime, as your picking fights with the Nelsons, I think the alcohol will have to do" I said back.

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