Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
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2 weeks later Mariana's POV
Things had been falling into a strange normality Alfie would see the kids I would invite him for dinner a few times a week There was 3 instances he had ended up sleeping on the sofa
Ollie had begged for forgiveness too many times to count Aila had not bothered me since that day at the bakery And Ada had flooded me with constant calls over Arthur's declining mental state.
And his increasing intake of opium.
"Christmas is coming soon, I thought maybe I could get the kids a horse" Alfie said "A horse?" I laughed, putting the iron down "Why on earth would you buy them a horse? You always said horses and curses were a gypsy thing. And no kid of yours was a gypsy" I recited
"I remember. But technically. Genetically. They are, I can't help that" he shrugged "Oh well I'm very sorry you had children with me then" I joked "You know what I mean. They're not exactly set for life are they? Half Jewish, half Romani" he said
No. But so was Ada's son. "They'll be fine, they have us" I assured him "They do" he agreed
"Look, if you want to buy them a horse, I won't stop you, I think it's a great idea for them to get in touch with my side of things" I said "Alright, good" he nodded, hovering as I folded clothes
"I was going to ask actually... if you wanted to... spend Christmas with us" I said I'd tried to ask him four times this morning alone, but the words wouldn't come out "I would love that" he said
"Okay, good, great, I uh... you can stay round, night before if you want, be here when they open their presents" I suggested "Yeah" he said "Okay" I said again.
I didn't know why I kept getting these flutters in my chest whenever he looked at me I felt like a school girl again I felt like we had gone back to being strangers with an attraction to one another Yet the confidence I once had now evaded me, and I was unsure how to approach... Alfie.
"Post" Carter shouted, running down the stairs "Slow down" I warned, as he raced to the door "You'll break a leg" I said He trailed in with letters, and a bag? "What's that?" I asked He shrugged, leaving them on the table and walking off
I sighed, picking up the bag A small white paper bag That had... blue sweets inside Small round blue sweets just like the ones...