36| His lucky day

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His lucky day

"Until you have tethered your madness to someone else's sanity in order to keep breathing, you don't know vulnerability"                           - Nicole Lyons

"Until you have tethered your madness to someone else's sanity in order to keep breathing, you don't know vulnerability"                           - Nicole Lyons

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Mariana's POV

"Hello?" I asked, holding the phone between my shoulder as I hurriedly packed
"Mar" Tommy said
"Make it quick, I'm packing" I said
"Yes, I'm getting the first boat back" I said

"Why?" He asked
"Charles Solomons is dead" I said
"Jack fucking Nelson killed him" I said, stopping for a moment
I couldn't actually believe it. That he was gone

"Oh I... I'm sorry" he said simply
"What do you need Tommy?" I asked instead
"I just spoke to Michael. He agreed to the deal" he said
"Is that it? I told you I don't care about the opium, use my boats but leave me out of it" I said

"You will care. Because the next shipment... will make us five million" he said
"Five... five what?" I asked surprised
"Million. This is the deal Mar, this is it. Set for life" he said
It... it would set us for life
Million dollar deals?

"And... because Jack Nelson will come down in the process" he said
"How?" I asked, sitting on the bed
"I know he won't accept our terms, our ways, I want to sell the opium to the Solomons" he said

"But you said you did a deal with Michael?" I said
"Yes. A deal that will see him searched, and caught, before being placed in prison" he said
"You set him up?" I asked
"Yeah. This is it Mar, Michael, Nelson, Oswald, all of the fucking pricks, they're coming down" he said

"What would you want from Alfie in return?" I asked curiously
"I'll tell him when I see him" he said
"Tommy" I warned
"Just get your boat Mar, get home, I'll see you then" he finished

"Fine" I sighed
"Good" he said, putting the phone down.

Two hours
Just two more hours and then I can head to the docks
And go home
Get home and sort this mess

Talk to Tommy and try and understand what the fuck he was doing
It was better to be there than here
I had no men here

And I had Nelson, Irene and god knows who else on my ass here
The door knocked, only spurring my paranoia further
If Michael was detained then I really wasn't safe here anymore

"Open the door" I heard Harvey's voice
Thank god
I opened the door, only for him to push it wider and let himself in

He stood there, shifting in place
"Harvey. I'm sorry for what happened" I said
He shook his head
"It's fine. Life isn't it. Dad always said that. That some bastard would get his lucky day and kill him" he said bluntly

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