11| Mr and Mrs Ford

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Mr and Mrs Ford

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence"                        - Charles Bukowski

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence"                        - Charles Bukowski

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Mariana's POV

The sun shone into the room and hurt my eyes
I rolled over, wondering why I didn't shut the curtains
Then my mind slowly began to catch up with me
Replaying the night in my head part by part

Dancing outside
Coming home
Alfie being here
Drinking water

Alfie... putting me to bed

I slowly sat myself up, straining to the light as I looked around
I was alone

I got up, making my way across the landing.
Carters room. Empty
Laurence's room. Empty
My eyes flickered to the clock

I made my way downstairs slowly, coffee hanging in the air

Alfie and the kids sat in the kitchen
Eating breakfast
"You're awake" Alfie said
"Look, dad made eggs" Carter mumbled with a mouthful

"Did he?" I asked nicely, looking at Alfie
I slowly sat myself next to Laurence. Glancing into the living room at the messy sofa covered in blankets

"Coffee?" Alfie asked
"Sure" I said, sleep sitting in my head as I tried to wake up.

We sat in a somewhat awkward silence
As Alfie handed me a mug and the kids sat eating and mumbling about things
Me and Alfie just... sat

I couldn't really remember much
How I got home
Or why Alfie would have put me to bed.

Alfie's POV

I could see it in her uncertain eyes
She wasn't sure what happened last night
What she'd said
What she did.

Last night

"Go back to bed Carter, your mums uh... she don't feel well" I said
I didn't know if he knew what her being drunk looked like

"She's drunk" he said
"Yeah" I agreed.
"Yeah she's drunk, now go to bed" I said

He left, shutting the door whilst Mar put herself in bed
She slept on her side. Not in the middle
Which hit something inside of me
She left my side bare?

"Are you leaving?" She asked
"I uh... I think I might sleep on the sofa, if that's alright with you, you seem a little-"
"Drunk?" She chuckled
"Yes" I said

"Sure, stay where ever you want. You know your way around" she laughed, rolling onto her back
Looking up at the ceiling
"You ever miss it?" She asked quietly

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