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"They called him dangerous, he was my safe"

"They called him dangerous, he was my safe"

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Mariana's POV

I threw up three times on the boat
Whilst Alfie sat amused, telling the kids I wasn't feeling well
When we did eventually get there, it was dark.

Dark and late and Laurence had fallen asleep
Meaning Alfie was stuck carrying the poor boy
"Where are we going now?" Carter asked
"To the hotel" I said, looking around the docks
"Alfie?" A man called out, smiling as he neared us

"Harvey" Alfie nodded, the man looked over all of us, and all the bags that his men began to pick up
"This is my cousin" Alfie informed me
"Oh" I said, taking his offered hand
He shook it
"You must be his lovely wife" he said

"No I'm his mistress" I said
His face fell slightly, looking to Alfie
"She's playing with you" Alfie said as I walked to the car
"Oh" is all he let out

We drove in mostly silence to the hotel
Alfie and Harvey engaged in small conversation, whilst I stroked Carter's hair as he fell asleep beside me

"This is... extravagant" I commented, looking around at the grand penthouse we were in
"Dad told me to give you the best" Harvey said
"It's certainly... big" I said, looking around the rooms
"And unnecessary" Alfie said
He was right

This was way too much
"I'll leave you, dad wants to see you both tomorrow" he said
"Welcome to our city" he said
"What you own of it" Alfie corrected

"What we own of it cousin" he smiled, leaving.

I put Laurence into bed, whilst Alfie put Carter in his
I headed into the other rooms
There was only one other bedroom.
A master bedroom
"There's only one bed" I said
Alfie sighed

"Fuck sake I'll... I'll go and get another room" he said, but I grabbed his arm
"No" I said
"No?" He asked
"You can't get a completely different room. We need to present a united front. Word would spread were in separate rooms, we don't need people taking shots at our marriage" I said

"But we aren't together" he said
"No but... still" I said
If we were in different rooms. People would know
The Fords would find out
Irene would
And here we needed to be untied
We needed to show people that our marriage wasn't something to break us down with.

Even if it was broken.

"Fine, I'll sleep on the sofa" he relented
"No" I said tiredly
"Your hips, your back, you'll be fucked tomorrow" I said
"I'll sleep out there-"
"Not a fucking chance" he said, shutting the bedroom door

"We're adults, just get in bed" he said, pulling his shirt off as he neared the bed, leaving me stood by the door
I watched him
The way his back flexed, the scars running down his skin

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