Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"You risked so much for me, why would you do such a thing?"
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Alfie's POV
"I reckon now is the time to act, with Nelson there, it's easy prey" Harvey said down the phone "What about Irene?" I said "Irene is weak, if Marjorie has cut her off like they say, then she's weaker, Nelson's business are unguarded, Alfie... you have to get over here, it's the perfect opportunity to attack" he explained
"I'll think about it" I said "What's there to think of? Week or two, we weaken Nelson, we kill Irene, we smooth things over with Victor afterwards and we're golden" he explained "You seem very confident" I said
"Because this is what we've been waiting for. We've got Irene here and Nelson there. He's took his niece and the husband is in prison, we won't get a perfect window like this again Alfie" he said
"I know. But Mar is involved with him at the minute" I said "Dealing with him?" He asked "No. Yeah but... no, it's complicated" I said "Point is, if I come over there and cause noise, it'll get back to him, and it'll fuck Mar's deals" I explained "Fine then get over here and we'll deal with Irene first, then I'll lead the attack on Nelson, he won't know you had any thing to do with it alright?" He asked
"I told you Harv, I'll think about it" I said, putting the phone down.
Mariana's POV
We sat in uncomfortable silence After Ada and Diana sized each other up, I was left to drinking whiskey and looking around
Mariana's Outfit reminder
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"The butler says our American friend is parking the car" Oswald spoke up, walking in "He also says in answer to your enquiry Diana, that the coat our exotic friend is wearing is made by Chanel... a very expensive label" he explained