60| It's all over

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It's all over

"She looked at her old life one more time. Took a deep breath, and whispered I will never see you again"

 Took a deep breath, and whispered I will never see you again"

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Alfie's POV

"Oh yes hello, I also smell the smell of tobacco" I called, playing the piano as I walked into the pub
Quite a show out there
Little bomb going off, Tommy shooting his cousin
Impressive stuff... if you gave a fuck.
I was just glad it was all over now.

"Forbidden in my presence for all except one" I commented
Mar was the only one I'd let kill me quicker with smoke
She was the only one I'd let me kill me now at all

No one else was fucking worthy of the position
"The Irish being rendered smoke and fat, I now own half of Boston" I said gladly
"So out of respect for my restored authority, put the fucking cigarette out now Tommy" I warned

"Hello Alfie. Your authority is restored but your knowledge is not. Your cousin owns half of Boston" he corrected
"A family is a family Tommy. Harvey owns it. I own it. Mariana owns it. Every heart beating with the name Solomons own half of fucking Boston" I said cheerily, looking around the pub.

As he continued to fucking smoke.
"Justice... and housekeeping long overdue" I said, looking out the window
"Yeah look at that little cunt ascending. He is ascending to the heavens. Right in front of us, before our very eyes. And I can see with this eye, I'm not blind. This eye is the eye of a dead man, dead men can see through life like it was a curtain that billows with the flicker of truth upon it" I explained.

My shoulders never felt so fucking light
Everything was done. Done for this cunt and done for the dead one lying out there
Me and Mariana could finally fuck off
To happiness
To peace
Away from Tommy fucking Shelby.

"I can see with this eye Tommy, that your nephew is ascending and he will be forgiven" I said
"Unlike you, who on judgment day, is probably truly fucked when the other shoe drops" I said
Michael only did what anyone would do
Try and kill this prick for the death of his mother

But like a rat. Tommy survives.
He sat silent. Still.
I don't know what the fuck was wrong with the man
"You alright Tommy? How you keeping?" I asked
Something was clearly wrong

"You know Alfie, so many people, so many times, going to so much trouble to kill me. I'm fucking dying anyway" he mumbled casually
He what?

"Well we're all dying anyway" I said
What was his point?
"No. Not a bullet. Not a knife. Not a bomb. Not Michael... Polly. Not Mariana. Not Lizzie" he drawled out
"Is it clap? Is it clap?" I asked

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