32- Tragic loss

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Tragic loss

"There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness" - Edgar Allan Poe

"There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness"                                       - Edgar Allan Poe

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Mariana's POV

The ash and the smoke still simmered through my coat
A reminder
Of what I had to deal with
Of a woman who didn't know her place in this world

In my world
"You... cooked?" I said surprised, finding Alfie at the kitchen counter
"Yeah" he nodded, shifting in place
"It looks... nice, thank you" I said genuinely

We ate breakfast together
Just me and him. He had let me sleep in
And I wasn't sure whether all these gestures were just to get back into my good graces, or whether he actually wanted to cook for me... but either way it was nice.

"So..." Alfie started
"So?" I asked, eating
"Your birthday is tomorrow" he said
I nodded
"Yeah... it is" I chuckled

It was funny to think it had already nearly been a year
Since he made me dinner
Since we danced and kissed and... fucked
Since everything had began to feel normal again.

"What are you planning for it?" He asked, trying to sound uninterested
But I read through the avoidant eyes
Through his casual tone
"What do you have planned?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him

"Not me. Aila" he sighed
"She wants to throw you a party" he explained
"Of course she does" I rolled my eyes
"I did tell her you'd hate it" he said

"But she's doing it anyway" I chuckled
Fuck. I hate parties

"This is nice you know, talking" Alfie said
"Yeah" I nodded, offering him a smile
"It is" I said, placing my hand over his
"And thank you, for staying off that shit" I said
"Anything for you" he said

"Anything? Can you get rid of Irene?" I laughed
"I plan on it" he said
"What?" I asked
"She's fighting a battle she knows she won't win. So she'll try and do as much damage as she can before we get to her. I don't want any damage if I can help it" he explained.

Alfie's POV

"I think she'll love it, it's beautiful" Aila smiled
"Yeah, I hope so" I sighed, putting the ring away
I thought it'd be a nice gesture
A... romantic gesture
I know I wasn't great at them. But I wanted Mar to know how much I love her, how much I appreciate her.

"So you're bringing her at 7 alright?" Aila asked
"Yes" I said for the millionth fucking time.

"And she'll like the vase?" She asked again
"Yes" I repeated
It was a vase. I don't think she'd give a fuck either way to be honest.

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