10| A Stranger

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A Stranger

"It is a terrifying thing when love finally works"
- J. H. Hard

Mariana's POV

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Mariana's POV

"You didn't want to bring him then?" Ruth asked quietly beside me
"No, why would I?" I said
"He's your husband" she scoffed

"He was dead" I said
"And now he's not" she replied
"Yeah, now he's looking after our kids. Who are fucking ecstatic that he's alive" I said bitterly, looking across the aisle at Howard waiting

Mariana's Outfit

We'd already come downWhere was Dot?"You wanted them to hate him?" She asked "No I

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We'd already come down
Where was Dot?
"You wanted them to hate him?" She asked
"No I... I don't know, I just... he shouldn't be able to just waltz back in after everything. They think he's amazing and I just... I spent so many sleepless nights on those boys. School runs, homework, new shoes... we barely fucking had shoes growing up" I explained

"I'm doing everything to give those boys a good life, and he's just come back like he can take credit for that?" I said

It had been a week since he reintroduced himself to our family and those boys thought he was as good as God
She hushed me, as Dorothy began walking down the aisle

She looked beautiful
Arthur was true to his word. He didn't show up.

But then with the amount of opium I knew he was doing, I doubt he would have even made it out of bed.

Alfie's POV

"There you are lad" I said, as Laurence coloured on the desk, I'd sat him on my lap after he escaped the office 3 times this morning
Whereas Carter wouldn't stop asking questions
"So what do you do?" He asked, sitting on the desk by the window and looking at all the workers

"We make bread" I said
"Bread?" He asked
"Yeah, this is a bakery, we make bread lad" I reaffirmed
"So... people lie. When they say you're a bad man?" He asked

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