Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"To be enough for someone in a world of greed is everything"
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Mariana's POV
Today, we head to Boston Everything was to set in motion Lines will be drawn and bonds will either be broken... or hopefully stay strong
But I had little hope in any of these The Fords would hate us after I killed Irene They'd also now think I was dealing with Jack Nelson of all people
Tommy and Michael was... a true toss of a coin Tommy always came out on top and yet... I wasn't sure this time Michael had a lot of hatred. And he'd been raised and trained into this business by Tommy himself.
He knows Tommy's head, his business strategies And he had his mother's intelligence
There was too much to think of Finn Arthur Tommy Alfie
The only person I didn't have to worry for was Ada And that was a rare win
"I hear you're boarding a boat off to the promise land" a voice chirped up beside me I left the bags I was packing into the car and looked at Diana Leaning against the side of the car
Smiling as always "Yes. And you're at my house because?" I asked "Well I wanted to wish you well. And invite you to mine and Oswald's wedding" she said, holding an envelope out
"I think I'll be busy" I said sadly "You don't know when it is" she said "And yet" I countered She held strong for a moment, before dropping her arm "Fine. I see you people let your feelings run deeply" she said
"Yes. I don't think Lizzie would like seeing me off to a wedding of yours would she?" I asked "Mine and Tommy's... brief encounter, was necessary, to balance things, make them fair" she said
"No, because Oswald didn't even know you when he paid for Lizzie. As she didn't know any of us. Unfortunate things happen in life Diana, you don't need to balance anything just to make yourself feel better" I explained
"You are insightful too" she commented "You know she left him" I said, continuing to pack my cases "I do" "And you know it's all your fault" I went on "I do" she repeated airily
"Then there's nothing left to say is there?" I smiled, shutting the door, heading up the steps to the house
"Is it coincidence that you and Tommy both leave for America today?" She asked, cocking her head I chuckled "So that's why you're here, Oswald's worried?" I laughed, turning to look at her, now leaning against the brick wall