Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have" - F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Mariana's POV
A week came and went With small interactions between us Awkward interactions As I never knew what to say and Alfie never knew how to act.
We fell into step of talking when needed And in the quiet we stole glances of each other His longer than they ever used to be He stared like a lost lover Though I suppose he was one.
"Are you listening?" Ada asked "What?" I asked, snapping back into reality "You'll get him at 7 yeah?" She asked, holding Laurence "Yeah" I said "I mean it you have to be on time" she said "Yes I will" I insisted She looked ready to burst
"Did you hear?" She asked "Of?" "Michael. Gina had the baby" she said "Oh, yay" I said as enthusiastically as I felt "A boy. Henry" she said
"How nostalgic" I commented "I suppose Polly would of approved" she said "Yes, she definitely would have" I agreed I hadn't thought of her much I had blocked it all out It was easier to stay away from Birmingham and keep her alive in my mind
Than face the truth That she was gone That I had no mother to console me when times were rough. Not anymore We truly were grown up now Fending for ourselves.
"Tommy looked into her, you know who her family are?" She asked "No" I said "Jack Nelson?" She said "Yeah?" "Her uncle" she said
Fucking hell Everyone's got an uncle in American business have they? "Jack fucking Nelson" I scoffed He was an idiot An effective idiot. But an idiot nonetheless.
"He here?" Alfie asked "Yeah, he's upstairs, I'm going to talk to him and then I... I don't know, I'll bring him down I guess" I said I dreaded this. Telling Carter Wondering how he would take it. He was turning 7 this year He was too smart for his age.
And I knew he would hate me for this Hate Alfie too "Sounds like a plan Dove" he said, sitting down "Don't call me that" I said, before going upstairs.
Finding Carter in his room, reading "Darling, can we talk?" I asked, sitting on his bed He lowered his book, looking at me confused
"Come here" I said, patting the space beside me as he sat up.
"Now... do you remember when we talked about dad? And how he wasn't here anymore but he was alright, because he was in heaven" I began He nodded "Well... somethings happened. And... well there was a mistake. A mix up..." I tried to explain