56| A Shelby secret

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A Shelby secret

"Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story"                                     - Albert Camus

 Maybe it's about the story"                                     - Albert Camus

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Mariana's POV

I made my way into Tommy's office, only to see the secretary shifting uncomfortably at the filing cabinet
I heard the raised voices
Before I opened the door
To see Arthur crying into Tommy's arms

"What's happened?" I asked
They both looked at me, before Arthur grabbed his things, as well as a bunch of papers from the desk
Before he rushed past me
"Leave him" Tommy said

"What's the matter with him?" I asked
"Marriage troubles" he offered simply
"Not going too well with Linda then?" I asked
"No" he said shortly

"Tommy... are you okay? You seem..."
"What?" He asked
"I don't know. You and Arthur, you're... you seem sad Tommy" I said

He sighed, pouring himself a drink
"I am sad Mar" he said
I sat down, saying nothing
Before he turned away from the drinks
"Lizzie has left me this morning" he said simply
"What?" I asked

"She's gone. Charles too" he said
"Tommy... I..." I didn't know what to say
It was awful, yet it was also his own doing

What could be said to someone who caused their own misery?
"Do you think she'll come back?" I asked
"No. No it's done. She's done" he said definitively

"And Diana?" I asked
"Also done. Oswald hasn't contacted me since Jack's departure" he said
"So... what now?" I asked

"Now, everything ends. Like planned. I'll go to get the money, Michael will be there" he said
"And?" I asked
"And... it will be me or him that comes back" he said calmly

He'd made peace with the option that Michael could beat him?
"I'm also leaving" I said
"I know, Alfie booked tickets to Boston" he said
I looked at him

Still poking into my business?
"Yes, I have some things to smooth over" I said
"Will you be back in four days?" He asked
"No" I said
"Can you be back in four days?" He asked

"Why?" I asked
"Because things will happen here that I need you to oversee" he said
"Like what?" I asked

He said nothing, looking at me with that familiar look
The one that told me he already knew everything
That he knew things about you, you didn't even know yet

"The blood on your dress, Irene's?" He questioned
"If you know I have a problem with her, then you know the answer to that. You still have me followed even after all this time?" I asked

"I like to know what's going on" he said
"No. You don't trust anyone anymore, none of us" I shrug
"Maybe" he said
"So, what will happen in four days Tommy?" I asked

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