38| The list

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The list

"Her face smiled but her eyes didn't"  

"Her face smiled but her eyes didn't"  

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Mariana's POV

"Why?" I asked
"Harvey needs me. I've left Ollie in charge down the bakery, I-"
"Alfie. I... you're going now?" I asked
"Well... we" he said
"We? Alfie I can't go. I have things to do here, I... I have Irene to think about-"

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that" he sighed
"I know. I know you can't, you... I just don't want to fucking go. Not on my own" he sighed

I sought him out, hugging him tightly
"You really have to go?" I asked
"Yeah" he said quietly, his arms wrapping around me comfortingly
"Now though?" I asked
"Sooner I go, sooner I can come back to you" he said

"Okay... uh... I'll get the kids" I said, making no move to leave his hold
"I thought maybe I should take Carter with me" he suggested
"Really?" I asked, looking up at him
"What about the danger thoug-"

"We'll be at the house" he said
"Charles was at the house Alfie. It... it didn't protect him" I said sadly, pulling away slightly
"I think it will be good for him. Plus with the way he's been acting up. Me and him spending some time together might see him right" he explained

I looked at them in the car
Tired and confused
"It's a big trip to just spring on him" I said
"If we wrap him up in cotton wool, he'll never be ready for how his life will turn out dove. He's our son. He's bound to find trouble" he said

I dropped my head against him, resting back into his arms.
"Alright, if he wants to go, he can" I relented
"But you bring him back, safe and sound" I warned
"Of course" he said
"I mean it Alfie" I said, leaning up to kiss him
"You come back to me" I whispered.

"Wave. Wave Laurence, say bye daddy" I said, watching him wave to Alfie and Carter as they drove down the driveway.

I picked mine and Laurence's bags up, turning to Lizzie stood on the patio
"Are you staying?" She asked
"No" I sighed, taking the bags to my car
"I have to get home, ring Ollie" I said, putting Laurence down while I loaded the bags in

"Alright. Probably for the best anyway" she chuckled
"Ruby isn't well. Won't let anyone go near her" she said, hugging herself to will the cold wind away
"Oh really? What's the matter with her?" I asked sadly

"Fever, restless, normal really, she'll sleep it all off" she waved away
"It'll be the cold" I agreed
"Yeah, she's ranting gypsy like one of Johnny's kids" she smiled

"Gypsy? What's she saying in gypsy?" I asked curiously, stopping in place
"O beng" she said unsure
"She... what else did she say? What did she hear? What did she see Lizzie?" I asked, picking Laurence up

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