Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"One man's monster is another man's beloved. The wise know that"
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Mariana's POV
"Stop drinking" I advised "Oh leave me Mari, you fell off the deep end when you lost your girl" she said "No. I... I don't think I've quite fell off the deep end for Charlotte yet. I'm just... getting along with things... until it takes me" I said
"So you were fine?" "No. Of course not, I just didn't... I didn't implode, which confused me... it makes me feel guilty, for not blacking out, crying, spiralling like I've done with everything else in my life but I... I wanted to be strong for her, for Laurence. I didn't want to disappoint her I guess" I said
She finished her drink "I hate the house. I hate being there. I hate her room. I hate hearing Charlie call me mum. I fucking hate it" she let out "And I shouldn't. And it makes me feel like a bad person. A bad mother... a bad wife" she drawled out
"You've been nothing but the best for that man. For that little boy, for Ruby. But I get it... it's understandable to hate that house. I hated it when he bought it" I said, making her chuckle sadly
"He doesn't let me in... in there" she said, pointing to her head before she lit a cigarette "Do you think he ever let you in there?" She asked "Honestly? Because Grace... he was so happy with Grace, he was so easy with her" she went on
I shrugged "I thought I understood Tommy but he... he was a different Tommy back then Lizzie, you saw it. He wasn't as troubled" I said "Mm, but now he is troubled. Trouble and business, it's all I ever fucking hear" she snapped angrily
I patted her arm, unsure of what to say that would make it better Everyone warned her against marrying Tommy Everyone warned her for taking a chance on him
Yet I couldn't bring myself to tell her so To tell her how she chose this path And yet she also didn't She didn't choose a life with someone so distant from the world and everyone in it.
Mariana's Outfit
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