Mariana finds out the husband she grieved for is alive after all these years.
Now she must adjust to a new life with the return of Alfie Solomons, without Thomas Shelby and with the new threat of Michael Gray hanging over all of their heads.
"It's okay to miss people but don't ever forget why you distanced yourself"
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Mariana's POV
"I won't be long darling" I said, kissing Carter's head "I'll be a few days, week at most" I said, kissing Laurence on the cheek "Better be, or I'll come fucking get you myself" Alfie warned
"Oh and we wouldn't want that would we?" I chuckled, kissing Alfie's cheek as well "No" he said, pulling me back to him when I pulled away "We fucking wouldn't" he said, kissing me on the lips
"Dad" Carter whinged "Oh pack it in" I laughed at Alfie's words, grabbing my bag from him "Right, I'll... I'll see you all in a few days then, be good boys" I said slightly flustered, boarding the boat
Alfie's POV
This was alright We'd be alright A week. Just a week I could look after the boys We'd be alright without her.
"Knock it off!" I shouted at the boys "Are you coming in tomorrow if you've got them?" Ollie asked, passing me contracts "Fuck off" Carter shouted back "You fucking what boy!" I shouted, getting up "Nothing" he shouted quickly, running up the stairs "Get here now you fu-"
"Alfie" Ollie said "What?" I snapped
"Come on boy, just eat a bit more" I sighed Laurence stuck his tongue out at me, pushing his plate away "Laurence" I warned "No" he said back
Fuck sake. She's gone a day and they're fucking acting like I'm some nanny to run rings around? I'm their fucking father.
Mariana's POV
"Well well look at you, radiant as ever" Lucius smiled I rolled my eyes The sun was quickly going down, I had been sick twice on the way over and I was alone for the next few days
Yeah, fucking radiant my ass "Here" I said, shoving my bag into his hand He laughed "I've put you in the hotel on ski-" "Fuck the hotel, I need a drink, we're going to a bar" I said I was tired, I felt sick and I was missing my boys already
"Four fucking warehouses... seriously, and two bars. You know she sent men down to the docks? Fucking burned three of my boats, buried thirty seven fucking men" he rambled annoyed I sipped my drink, he really was angry wasn't he?
"So what are you planning to do exactly Lucius?" I asked "She's gone too far, so... kill her I guess" he shrugged "That easy to decide?" I asked, he just looked at me Ever the nonchalant business man "So why am I needed?" I chuckled "To help me rebuild what she's fucking burnt to the ground" he grumbled