Chapter 4: Let's Do Some Hero Work

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  After classes were done, you and Gwen were originally supposed to go back home the Spider route, but your plans were halted as your ears perked up. You quickly turned around seeing Mary Jane of all people walking up to you.

M.J.: Hey Tiger.

  You slip in your locker quickly trying to gather yourself, finding something to lean on as you end up leaning on Gwen's shoulder.

Y/N: H-Hi. . I mean *cough* Hey.~

Gwen: Real cool (Y/N). Anyway, what did you need M.J.?

M.J.: Just wanted to know if you two wanted to hang out after school. It was Peter's idea, but you both have a kinda "dark" feel. He didn't wanna disturb you two.

  Gwen looked a little confused as the two of you looked at one another.

Gwen & Y/N: 'Are we that scary?'

Y/N: Who else is going M.J.?

M/J.: Just me Harry and Pete. Anyway, the plan was to go out for Pizza, Harry's treat. You both goin?

Gwen: Hmm, well let me check my sche-

Y/N: We'll be there!

Gwen: Nevermind.

M.J.: Great. We'll be out front, so be there when you're ready. 

  You wave good bye to M.J. as you watch her walk away. Mostly a specific part of her. IT was moments like these that made you appreciate the beauty that all women bear. All until your senses go off as you duck under Gwen's strike.

Y/N: What did I do?

Gwen: Stop staring at her ass every time she walks by. Or walks in general.

Y/N: Hey I have a preference. I can't help it if I like butts. Especially M.J.'s. Those tight jeans mmm, it's like a whole bakery.

Gwen: Oh my god, please shut up. It's amazing that there are some people that are here that are afraid of you.

Y/N: Hey, I try my best. Anyway, let's go. I'm feeling hungry anyway.

  You and Gwen make your way out to the front of the school as you meet up with the three in question. You all begin to walk down the street. Gwen nudges at Harry.

Gwen: So you're actually walking this time money bags?

Harry: Yeah, not always the best to take a limo everywhere I go. Would kinda be proving all the assholes there right about being a snob.

Peter: Speaking of, you both used to rise the bus to and from school, what happened with that?

Y/N: Oh, me and Gwen found a more fun scenic route home. It makes it easier since we live in the same apartment complex.

Harry: OH really? Seems convenient then.

Gwen: Yeah, at least it is when you don't have to babysit the person who's supposed to walk you to school.

  You roll your eyes as you inch a little closer to M.J.

Y/N: So you got any walking partners M.J.?

M.J.: Mostly Peter. Since he lives next door to me, it makes it convenient when we're walking to the bus stop-

  The conversation is halted as you guys here an explosion not to far. You peak up seeing the explosion is from the bank nearby. You see about five guys all armed and dangerous. You really wanted to step in and do something but you and Gwen made eye contact, wanting to help, but not too sure how to help.

Harry: You guys alright?

Peter: Y-Yeah.

M.J.: Yeah. We should get out of here.

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