Chapter 30: Clouded Minds

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  The feeling of a predator on the hunt filled your body with adrenaline as you swung through the city. You ran alongside the buildings of NY like a wolf, feeling like the king of New York at the moment. 

  There was seemingly nothing that could get in your way, nothing to stop you, nothing to hurt you, you felt like the one people had to watch out for, and it made you smile to yourself.

  You hear your phone ring as you answer it.

Nocturne: What do you want?

Elizabeth: Hey (Y/N).

  Your mood immediately shifts as you take a softer tone.

Y/N: O-Oh, hey Elizabeth. Sorry for the. . . answer.

Elizabeth: It's fine, I was just calling because I wanted to let you know I just got home. Wanda too me to hang out with some friends, they all seemed interesting.

Y/N: hat kind of friends?

Elizabeth: Mutants, like us. There was this one guy, he could shake the earth, then another guy, said you met him already, Pietro. He was pretty cool to, and fast. Then there was this guy who's like a frog or something, then another big guy, like REALLY big, then their boss. She was so badass! Honestly reminds me of Kurt at least in appearance. 

Y/N: . . . Did they seem reasonable? Did they hurt you? Did they try to get you to do anything?

Elizabeth: No, they were really chill with me when they found out I was a mutant like you. Also you should come home. Mom doesn't have work right now, and she wanted to take us out to dinner.

Y/N: Wish I could but I'm busy. Give her a kiss for me. Bye, I love you.

Elizabeth: I love you too.

  You end the call as you end up swinging overhead, hearing someone call out to you.

???: Spider-Man!!!

  You quickly turn as your eyes go wide. You swing over as quickly as you can to the roof of a pretty tall building. Not too tall, it seemed like an apartment complex. You landed as you saw an all too familiar brunette and red head.

Nocturne: Oh hey Pe- GAH Random citizen! W-hat's uhh *cough* What's the problem?

  Slightly adding more bass to your voice to disguise it.

MJ: See, told you he's come if you just asked.

Peter: Umm, s-sorry to bother you. But I wanted to ask for a picture of you for the Bugle.

  It all suddenly clicked.

Nocturne: Wait. . . You've been the one taking pictures of me?

  Peter holds up his hand in defense with a nervous smile.

Peter: I'm sorry if they haven't been all that good. B-But I got a better camera this time. So, if you'd be willing.

  You let out a sigh before  standing on the edge of the building, striking a pose.

Nocturne: Like this?

Peter: Yeah. That works. 

  You pose allowing Peter to get some good shots of you. Performing many poses, mostly some flips and other gymnastic routines on the edge that your body could no do because of your excellent flexibility.

Nocturne: Got enough pictures? Or do you want me posted up like one of your French girls?

  The two laugh at your joke.

Peter: That should be all. I hope we didn't distract you from your work, I know you got into a rough fight with Rhino and that new villain earlier today.

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