Later that night, you leapt onto the rooftop of Oscorp. You crawl through the vents, making your way through the ventilation, avoiding any security that may or may not go off. You went through until you arrived at Dr. Kafka's lab.
Popping the vent open to peak inside, you see her on the inside, she was putting a lot of the equipment away in boxes, stacking them off to the side as she grabs onto the notebook that had all her notes in it. You can feel her anger rise as she throws it angrily to the side, breaking some beakers in the process.
Kafka: Son of a bitch! I was so close this time! IF only I could have had more of it. This was gonna change the company Norman. Why the hell did you have to pull the plug now of all times! Months of my life gone down the drain!
She clenches her fist before her anger cools and is replaced with sadness. Lightly wiping her eyes.
Kafka: Just once. Just once I'd like to take initiative in my life. And actually have my actions have credit for something. Make something that will be unforgettable. Something to change the world. I'm sorry Henry. I guess this little project was nothing but a damn waste.
She closes the door to the lab and heads out for the night. You slowly descend from the vents as you turn on the night vision on your goggles. It was really sad how hard she worked on this project, even working with your father at one point to perfect it.
Nocturne: Don't worry Ashely. I won't let this chance go to waste.
You shoot a web to pull her journal into your grasp. Taking out your phone gathering the notes that Harry sent you.
Nocturne: Okay, let's get to work. What was the scientific method again? Were there's four? No, I remember someone talking about six steps. . . but then I also remember eight. Whatever, I was never the best with remembering steps, I just made my own method and worked out the details later, that's why I'm amazing. . . Talking to myself again. Whatever. Now let's start.
You gather some of the chemicals that were in boxes and some that were still out and about.
Mixing up the formula you remember you and Ashely making before, you apply the picture of notes that Harry sent. The goggles Peni gave you making this a lot easier, since they also had a feature to pick apart substances on a chemical level, identifying imperfections that could lead to a complete let down of the chemical catalysts you were hoping to achieve.
It felt like hours went by as you were working on this, sleep deprivation started to set in until your ears perked up, hearing the gentle footsteps from down stairs.
Nocturne: Dammit, whoever is down, I just hope they stay down their.
You continued working as you were nearing the completion of this chemical. But, sadly even though it didn't explode. You still found an imperfection within it. It needed something biological to have the desired affect on mammals, or in this case people. Something strong, something organic, something.
Nocturne: Wait. . . Maybe if. I put. Blood, but not just normal blood. Hypothetically, it would need to be experimented, but. . . blood of something, superhuman. I don't know if it'll stabilize, but, this is important to her. And it was to my father. . . Anything for them both.
You extend one of your claws further, pricking your own finger as you drop a bit of your blood into the beaker, turning the liquid from green to red.
Nocturne: This will have to be tested first, it should have the desired affect, but it needs a human test subject. But on the safe side, I need to make an antidote to counter act it if it gets out of hand.
You suddenly hear glass shatter as your ears perk up, focusing on what was going on in the level's below. You make sure the serum sis stable as you make your way through the vents, following the noise through the building, traveling through the winding ventilation shafts.

Don't Let the Spiders Bite (MaleSpidermanReaderXMarvel)
FanfictionEvery universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your best friend. This story will follow not one, but two Spider people in particular. Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy. In most earth's, Spider-Man is...