Chapter 35: I Lost Control

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  You sat with Felicia in her apartment. The two of you are discussing recent events going on with each of you.

Y/N: So you're a mutant?

Felicia: I don't know. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Maybe this tail is organic, or it comes off and is just a neural link attachment.

Y/N: God, you really think you're funny.

  You narrow your eyes, clearly not feeling like being in a playful mood. She gets the hint, leaning back on her couch. You turn to the suitcase that was made from Stark Industries, narrowing your vampiric eyes at Felicia.

Y/N: So you stealing from Tony Stark now?

Felicia: I was just gathering some gear. I just needed the chemicals to make some medicine. Dealing with you both made moving around difficult when you don't have a lot of blood.

Y/N: I feel like there's more to it than just that. I'd ask if you were lying, but I really don't care for whatever dad backstory you have on the back burner for me.

Felicia: Hey, if you're gonna be in my place, you don't have to be such a dick!

Y/N: And?

Felicia: Jesus, you really are an ass hole now. Did something happen with you and your spider?

Y/N: She isn't a factor in my life anymore. And if that factor does get involved any further, it will be handled. Permanently.

  Your claws instinctively extended at the end of that sentence, making it clear you weren't in your right senses at the moment. You relax your hands as you lean back.

Y/N: Look, I am not here to lash out on you, Felicia, especially when you have such incriminating evidence on me. I'm just... tired. So fucking tired. So fucking... Jesus.

  Felicia moves over to you, taking you by the hand. Your head turns to her with eyes that don't have much behind the surface anymore.

Felicia: Come on, you need this more than anyone right now.

  She pulls you in, making you rest your head on her chest as you listen to her heart beat. Even without the suit, you didn't want this to be a thing you sought after anymore. Women seemed to only bring you confusion... But for now, you and the suit managed to calm down for this. The suit dissolved, leaving you in a t-shirt and pants.

  Felicia just ran her fingers through your hair as you fully feel yourself melt in her grasp. Falling asleep.

  Felicia also managed to nod off some moments later, the two of you fast asleep in one another's grasp.

  Though your body was not ready to rest. Your eyes weakly opened as a hue overtook them. The suit reformed around you as you quietly snaked out of Felicia's grasp. Your ears perk up as you can sense something outside.

  Leaping out of the window, you start swinging across the buildings. Your senses go off as your line is cut, making you fall until you land in a dumpster.

Y/N: Well, that was different. What was it?

"A bullet cut our webs. Armed men. Looking to hunt us."

Y/N: How many?

"A van full. They just arrived on the scene, then there's the sniper. May we eat them?"

Y/N: Tempting. But no, let's just drink them a but.

  The van pulls up to the dumpster where you fell. All aiming guns at it, ready to open fire.

  The dumpster explodes apart into two halves. You grab each half with black tendrils and throw them at the armed assailant.

  Flipping over one of them, pulling them into the air by your wears before grabbing them by the face and slamming their head into a wall to knock them out.

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