The events of your earth play in your mind as you find yourself falling. You fall and fall as you notice that you are falling through the skies of New York. As you fall you hear the voices of everyone in New York.
Voices: Spider-Man! HELP!
Voices: Please!
Voices: Spider-Man you need to do something!
You snap to your senses as you launch your webs out to swing to where all the voices were coming from. You swung and swung as you went around the city to try and help people. You saved a girls cat from a tree. Helps a guy fix a popped tire, helped an old lady cross the street., and other minimum issues.
Everyone: Thank you Spider-Man!
Hearing this made you smile as you swung off to handle more problems. But then the cries rang out louder. This time sounding as if they were pleading just a bit harder.
You then find yourself saving people from car accidents, stopping some robbers, stopping any accidents before they could occur. These issues seemed a bit more hectic than other issues. Then the problems became a bit darker as you heard the pleading turn to hellish screaming. Cries of pain rang out as you found yourself saving people from these problems, but you fail at every single one.
You see people burning alive who you failed to save. Their screams sounding like those from hell as you notice familiar faces in the flames. Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben.
Nocturne: No! PETER!
The flames engulf them as the scene vanishes. You then hear gunshots off in the distance as you rush from that problem, getting booed and cursed at for your failings, letting those people die. You arrive at the scene to see a woman with bullet holes in her body. The robber getting away with her purse, giving you an all too satisfying grin.
Robber: You're too late Spider-Man.
Nocturne: No. . . .No no no no.
You go to the woman as you try to see the damage, her red hair sprawled out on the ground almost matching her spilled blood. Her dim green eyes look into yours. Then it hit you. This woman looked al too familiar. That was because she was.
Y/N: M. . . .Mary Jane!
You watch her as she gasp on her own blood, more spilling out as her breaths soon go empty. Her body turning to dust in your arms as you clench your eyes shut with tears. Eventually you open them to see yourself at the top of Oscorp in flames.
Harry: Spider-Man!
You notice Harry hanging off the edge as you web yourself over to him, but your webs don't come out.
Nocturne: DAMMIT! HARRY!
You run as fast as you can and jump at him, grabbing onto his arm only for the the building to collapse forcing you to drop him. You go to jump down but hear screaming from inside the building. You recognized it as Dr. Kafka. You had to chose between her and Harry, but the choice crippled you.
Nocturne: No. I can do both!
You jump down to catch Harry, but the closer you got to him, the more hellish the screams got, making you realize your failure as you stiffen up with dread. Making you hesitate enough to let Harry fall into nothing. By the time you realize it, it's too late as the building blows up, sending you further into the void.
Your body feeling broken and battered as you feel the ground vibrating. Followed by the screaming of your counterpart.

Don't Let the Spiders Bite (MaleSpidermanReaderXMarvel)
FanfictionEvery universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your best friend. This story will follow not one, but two Spider people in particular. Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy. In most earth's, Spider-Man is...