Chapter 23: Runaway Lizard

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  After Gwen's satisfying drink, you and her drag the lizard through a portal you made that lead right into Oscorp labs. But, you knew you both would need help making the cure.

Nocturne: Okay, you worked with him the most, so what do we do?

Ghost: We need some of his blood.

  Gwen gets a lab coat and puts it on over her spider suit, which made sense, especially how you both were currently worse for ware. Your suit was clawed up and your jacket was ruined, while Gwen's had some rips and tears in various places. Gwen takes out a syringe and ushers you over.

Ghost: Can you keep him down for this part?

Nocturne: How?

Ghost: Use your mutant powers. Keep his mind calm. I don't want him jolting awake and going crazy.

  You roll your eyes as you twirl the wand in your hand.

Nocturne: My powers are more empathetic than mentally manipulating. Also you might wanna close the lab coat. I can see your underwear.

  Gwen gives you a loo as she closes the coat over her body.

Ghost: We really need to fix our suits after this.

  You scan the lab for any cameras as you web them in place. You put a labcoat on as Gwen takes out a syringe, ready to extract the Doctor's blood.

Ghost: How do we keep him under while we do this if you can't?

  You think it over a bit as you look at the wand in your hand. You focus on someone who can help you as you hold it out. A portal on the cusp of opening, although it is difficult for you to open. You try your hardest to focus as Gwen notices a portal to a bedroom begin to open up. You look and see that it may have worked.

  You look and walk through the portal, walking up to the bed.

Nocturne: Jean.

  You lightly shake her awake as her eyes groggily open up. She lightly rolls over.

Jean: Five more minutes Scott.

  You lightly shake her again as her eyes groggily open up. She stares at you for a moment blinking a few times.

Jean: Is this a dream?

Nocturne: Hey Jean, not a dream. I'll explain everything later, but I got a favor to ask.

  She looks at you, then at the portal to Oscorp, then at Gwen who just waves at her, then at the unconscious lizard. You lightly take your hand off of her mouth as she get's out of bed with her messy red hair.

Jean: What's all this? Is this a power of yours?

Noturne: I wish, but no. I got a magic portal wand. Confiscated it off of a cat burglar. I needed a telepath that can keep the Lizard under while my partner Ghost-Spider here takes blood from him.

Jean: . . . O-Okay fine, but next time, don't open a portal.

  Jean get's out of bed as she makes her way through. You keep it open so that you know where to send her. Jean places her hands on either side of her own as she focuses on the Lizard. Keeping him unconscious enough to work on him.

Jean: *yawn* Okay, he should be good. Do whatever you're gonna do.

  Gwen nods as she stabs the needle into his body. Drawing enough blood to work with as she takes the syringe out.

Ghost: Got it.

  You sigh in relief as you go to Jean and pick her up in a hug.

Nocturne: Thank you so much Jean! You're a life saver.

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