Chapter 9: Split Second

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The next Sunday morning, your eyes weakly opened as your vision focused, you looked around in your room through sleepy eyes noticing that it is early in the morning, so you knew it was the next day later. You get out of the bed as you stand to your feet. Once you do, you wobble a bit as before you fall, you feel something tugging on your collar.

Looking up, your eyes focus as they land on a beautiful goth sticking to your ceiling.

Gwen: Hey partner. When I asked to spend the weekend with you, I didn't mean like me taking care of you.

Y/N: . . . Sorry Gwen, I just didn't expect the guy to lure me in to try to kill me.

Gwen tilted her head confused.

Gwen: To kill you?

You already feel annoyed and angry at yourself for losing that fight. That fight against the Shocker. You make your way through the kitchen as Gwen drops from the ceiling helping you down. Once in the kitchen, you open the fridge and drink a bottle of water draining it dry as you feel liquid leaking from your nose.

Y/N: Hmmm, nosebleed? God dammit.

You don't notice, but as your blood drips, Gwen's eyes dilate as she clenches her fist, lightly biting her lip as you hear her heart beat increase making you quickly turn to look at her.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Gwen: Y-Yeah. Just. . . exhausted.

You grab a napkin as you wipe the blood from your face. Gwen continues to clench her fists as she takes a deep breath to calm herself down. She can feel her muscles tightening up as she closes her eyes trying to control her senses.

It dosen't go unnoticed by you as you see her hunching over the counter. You lightly place your hand on her shoulder as she lightly turns back to you.

Y/N: I didn't think my blood would set you off this much.

She looked at you surprised until you explained further.

Y/N: When we stopped that truck, the driver was bleeding. I felt the same way. Turns out I see where the Vampire Spider in us is active.

You pull on Gwen' hand taking her back into your room. Once the two of you are up there, Gwen clings to you once again as she hugs onto you tightly.

Gwen: I'm just glad I have you. You know how weird it is to try to hide this, it feels like I can smell the moment anyone in the room starts bleeding. Maybe even further than that.

Y/N: OH thank God!

You wrap your arms around her and pick her up off the ground, confusing her.

Y/N: I feel it too! God it's so weird. It's usually easy for me to resist though.

Gwen shakes her head as she pinches your cheek.

Gwen: Wait back on the other topic. What was it you were saying about Shocker luring you to kill you?

Y/N: Oh right. Yeah well, usually where there's one wolf, the pack surly isn't to far behind. I feel like Shocker is just the beginning. If we keep doing what we do, people could get hurt, so we may have a bunch of people coming at us to kill us.

Gwen:. . . . Why?

Y/N: Apparently with his boss, we've been impeding on his business I think. What with the truck, the other robbery I stopped initially, and then so on and so fourth.

Gwen sighs as she rests her head on our chest.

Gwen: We should have thought that through. It makes sense we'd be a target to something like this. It's a shame there's no other masked heroes in New York to help us.

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