Chapter 31: Cathedral

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  *Knock Knock*

  Standing outside of an apartment door, you leaned against the wall waiting for an answer. Some moments later, the door opens, revealing Ashely. She looked like she had just woken up, she was so sleepy looking. Her hair all messy, and she was in a tank top and shorts.

Ashely: Oh, (Y/N). What are you doing-

  You rush into her arms, hugging her tightly and picking her up off o the ground.

Y/N: It's so good to see you. I'm sorry I haven't been in the office all that much. I came by to check up on you, you look like you're sleeping well. Also, you look very good. 

Ashely: Really? You think a woman who just woke up with hair like this is good looking?

Y/N: You have no idea the types of women I am into. But are you well?

Ashely: Yeah. Was jut a little sore. But I know you've got better things to do.

Y/N: Nope. I got nothing but free time. Besides, how's about spending the day with your favorite pupil.?

Ashely: You're something else you know. But now's a bad time, I feel very exhausted right now. But, I do appreciate you stopping by. . . Maybe some other time.

  She leans in placing a light kiss on your cheek before waving you good-bye. You smile at the affection before you leave, skipping down the halls as your suit forms around your body once again, leaping out of the window down the hall.

  The day rolled into the evening as you swung through the city. Making your way back home for the night. A lot happened today, a fight with Rhino and Scorpion. It made you think to yourself what bad guys were next on the menu for you.

  But for the rest of the day, it was a slow day. You didn't really see anything that interested you. You even stopped by Oscorp again to see how Conners and Octavius were. That entire day seemed to go by in seconds until nightfall.

  You stood perched on the edge of St. Patrick's cathedral like a gargoyle, with your coat blowing in the wind.

  Because you could hear exceptionally well, you never felt the need to move around too much unless you really felt antsy. But the suit made you feel calm and composed as you listened to multiple different conversations. Sorting them all in your head as you tried to listen for anything wrong. Any ounce of crime.

  You find yourself nodding off a tad bit. Waiting here, perched like a vulture was something you didn't expect to find so comfortable. You stand from your spot, crawling inside of the cathedral.

  IT was dark, but not too dark for you, at least not anymore. You looked around inside, taking in the architecture of the Cathedral. You remembered the first time you were ever inside.


  IT had been about a week after you moved to New York. The city was weird and confusing to you, so you didn't like to venture out dealing with the assholes in the streets.

  But to make things easier, your Dad came up with an idea.

Y/N: You sure you wouldn't rather be in that boring ass office?

Dad: Language. And for now yes. I want you to feel at him here in New York. I know it's different from where we use to live, but give it a chance.

Y/N: Where the hell are we even going? You trying to get me to give a shit about this shitty city and it's equally shitty people?

  Your dad let out a sigh. 

Dad: I'm taking you somewhere more suited to your. . . tastes. Something I know you can appreciate. Hopefully at least.

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