Chapter 20: Party Time

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  Arriving at the party, Gwen leans against the wall, waiting for (Y/N) to arrive. After a bit of waiting, she notices a couple of kids walking her way.

Kitty: Oh hey I remember you, you're Gwen Stacy right?

  Gwen looked at the brunette and remembered her dragging (Y/N) away that one time to show her around the school. Gwen's pupils constrict a bit as she grips her sleeves tightly. But she manages to contain herself for the moment as she just takes a small breath and put's on a small smile.

Gwen: Oh, you two are the new kids right?

Kitty: Yeah, we're friends of (Y/N). I'm Kitty, this here is Kurt.

Kurt: He told us a lot about you. It's good to meet you.

  Kurt shakes her hand as she tries to hold back enough to return the favor softly. Call it her instincts, but ever since that precious night, she's been extremely territorial of you for a bit.

Kitty: Are you just waiting for him out here?

Gwen: Yeah. Do you two know where he is?

Kurt: Well, he should be on his way. He said he'd be a bit late. But we can meet him inside. You can hang with us until then.

Gwen: . . . Okay, sure.


  You changed into some new clothes as you check out your face in the mirror. You didn't look too different, but coming down from your bloodlust does wonders for your face. Just not the good kind of wonders. Seeing how different you were now from how you started was wild. All that change in the span of a little over a month.

  Which was odd, but to avoid the spontaneous changes from your hair lengthening, you just tied it back when in public, then let it flow when you're in the field.

Y/N: Jesus. . . Probably for the best mom doesn't see my face for a while either. . . Not that she would. She's been working so much I haven't been seeing her at all.

  Now that you're all dressed, you make your way out into the halls where you are greeted by your new friends. Pietro notices your face and recoils a bit. 

Pietro: Jesus, I know your name's Nocturne, but I thought that was just an edgy gimmick. You really are a vampire?

Y/N: Not in the traditional sense. But I do drink blood. Anyway, let's just get to this party.

  You put on your shades and face mask as you lead the siblings to Flash Thompson's apartment for the party.


Pietro: So this is the place? Man, I can't wait to see your moves on the dance floor, eh Wanda?

Wanda: Shut it. We aren't here to make friends. In fact, we didn't need to come here at all, why are we even doing this?

Pietro: Eh, you know me. I can't really sit still. At least here it'll be more fun and there's free food.

  Wanda pulls Pietro to the side.

Wanda: I know we need him and we were told to get him on board ASAP. But I know you. You're gonna try to dump everything on him at once then go right to threatening. If it were up to me, then I'd have him on our side easier than you ever would.

Pietro: Oh please, you'd take weeks to get him to join.

Wanda: It's called patience. You'd know it if you weren't runnin around all the damn time. 

Pietro: Look, we'll do it my way first, then if he ain't biting, you an do it your way.

Y/N: 'They know I can hear them right? Well, either way I have no idea what they are talking about, but I actually want to see Wanda's way. She seems interesting. . . and cute.'

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